getting the active view in MDI + Doc/View application

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5 Jun 2006 02:03:01 -0700
hi group,

i want to get active view pointer and call it's member function

void CMainFrame::OnBuild()
        CChildFrame* pChild = (CChildFrame *)MDIGetActive();
        CTritonSpiritBoardView *pView = (CTritonSpiritBoardView
in this function it work's's a message handler for one menu
but now if i want to call the activeview's this function from some
class then it gives assertion on MDIGetActive.

//if i try it on dialog boxes OnOk function then it asserts
void CBoard::OnOk()
     CMainFrame *pFrame = (CMainFrame *)AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd;
        CChildFrame* pChild = (CChildFrame
*)pFrame->MDIGetActive();//here inside
        CTritonSpiritBoardView *pView = (CTritonSpiritBoardView


i didnot got this behaviour
and not only this if i create a public member function
in CMainFrame as Try()

void CMainFrame::Try()
     CChildFrame* pChild = (CChildFrame *)MDIGetActive();//here inside
         CTritonSpiritBoardView *pView = (CTritonSpiritBoardView


then also it asserts?
WHY like this?

if anyone know's please tell me.

Thank's and regards
harshal shete

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