Re: Saving and Restoring a Child Window to its Former Position and Size

"AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <AliR@online.nospam>
Mon, 19 Feb 2007 17:03:14 GMT
Here is a test that I did and it worked fine.

void CChildFrame::OnClose()
   CRect Rect;

   CString Temp;





BOOL CChildFrame::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName,
DWORD dwStyle , const RECT& rect , CMDIFrameWnd* pParentWnd ,
CCreateContext* pContext)
   CRect Rect;
   Rect.left = GetPrivateProfileInt("MDIPosition","X1",0,"MDIPosition.ini"); = GetPrivateProfileInt("MDIPosition","Y1",0,"MDIPosition.ini");
   Rect.right =
   Rect.bottom =
   return CMDIChildWnd::Create(lpszClassName, lpszWindowName, dwStyle, Rect,
pParentWnd, pContext);

"Artist" <> wrote in message

The child window is descended from CScrollView. In the code I gave this is
pointed to by pView.

The parent of this child is the main window of the applicaion and is
descended from CMDIFrameWnd.

This code is being executed in a global object. So this object is not a
member of any other object. The pView pointer is a member of that object's
class and is set in its constructor. That object is instantiated in
another object pointed to by the pView pointer, and pView gets set by
passing to the constructor the this pointer.

In the code I gave earlier:

pView->GetWindowRect( &m_WndRect );

AfxGetMainWnd()->ScreenToClient( &m_WndRect );

GetWindowRect() is returning the rectangle in screen coordinates. This is
consistent with its documentation.

I am changing to client coordinates to cover the possibility the position
of the parent may have changed. I want to save and restore the position of
the child (pView) relative to its parent (the main window ).

I attemped your recommendations without changing to client coordinates. As
I expected the attempt at restoration showed the relative position of the
child after restoration in the Main Frame was dependent on the position of
the Main Window on the screen. The farther the Main Window was away from
the upper left corner of the screen the farther the child window was from
the upper left corner of the Main Window's client area. So I tried the

pView->GetParentFrame()->GetWindowRect( &m_WndRect );

pView->GetParentFrame()->ScreenToClient( &m_WndRect );


CFrameWnd *pFrame = pView->GetParentFrame();

pFrame->MoveWindow( &WndRect, TRUE );

The result was the upper left corner of the child's client area ended up
in the upper left corner of the parent's child area. The Title bar of the
child ended up under the Toolbar of the parent window making it impossible
to move the child. This was true regardles of where the child was when the
position was saved.

"AliR (VC++ MVP)" <AliR@online.nospam> wrote in message

By child window do you mean ChildFrame (CMDIChildWnd)? Try getting the
views Frame position.


pView->GetParentFrame()->GetWindowRect( &m_WndRect );


CFrameWnd *pFrame = pView->GetParentFrame();
pFrame->MoveWindow( &WndRect, TRUE );

You shouldn't have to change the coordinates to Screen coordinates, You
only have to do that if the view is a popup. As long as it's embedded in
the frame the coordinates you pass to MoveWindow or SetWindowPos are
relative to the upper left corner of the parent window.

And in which class and method are you calling this code from?


"Artist" <> wrote in message

I want to save a child window's position and size in the Main Window of
an MDI application, and restore it at any time later. I want to do this
after the user may have reposition and resized it. The parent of this
child window is the Main Window. Below is the code I am using to save the
position and size:

pView->GetWindowRect( &m_WndRect );
AfxGetMainWnd()->ScreenToClient( &m_WndRect );

where pView is a pointer to the child window and m_WndRect is used for
the storage. Below is the code I am using in an attempt to restore the
position and size stored in m_WndRect:
CFrameWnd *pFrame = pView->GetParentFrame();
pFrame->MoveWindow( &WndRect, TRUE );

Where once again pView is a pointer to the child frame.

This does not quite work. When the restoration is attempted the child
window is below and a little to the right of where it was. It appears to
be lower by the sum of the widths of the Ttitle Bar, Menu Bar, and
Toolbar. It appears to the right of where it was by the width of the the
Main Window's border. It is as if the storage is referenced to the upper
left corner of the title bar and the restoration is referenced to the
upper left corner of the client area where its child windows reside.
This would mean instead of

AfxGetMainWnd()->ScreenToClient( &m_WndRect );

I need a function another function that would reference m_WndRect to the
upper left of the client area. I have tried in its place:
pView->GetParent()->ScreenToClient( &m_WndRect );

But this also did not work. The window always went to the upper left of
the Main Window's client area.

How can this be fixed?

To respond to me directly remove sj. from my email address. This is a
spam jammer.

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