Joseph M. Newcomer a ?crit :
See below...
On Wed, 16 May 2007 19:00:16 +0200, mosfet <> wrote:
I am developping with MFC under Pocket PC and for some technical reasons
I would like to convert an SDI application using a view and some dialogs
into one using only views.
Let's consider the following scenario :
I have my SDI application that display a welcome view(CFormView).
Inside this welcome view I have a button to accept or not Terms and
If user accept conditions I would like to switch to the main view, if
not, I would like to display a goodbye view.
The problem is here :
void CWelcomeView::OnYesCommand()
if ( ... == TRUE){
CViewMgr::GetInstance()->SwitchView( IDD_MAINVIEW_DLG );
CViewMgr::GetInstance()->SwitchView( IDD_GOODBYE_DLG );
SwitchView(at the end of this post)- is a method that :
1) Replace current view with the one given as parameter
2) Destroy the old view.
If we go back to the fonction above there will be a problem since
SwitchView is not asynchronous, it means that SwitchView will try to
replace and destroy the current view but we haven't still exist from
this function.
So it will crash everything.
PostMessage a message and do the switching there. At that point you will have returned
from the function. Post the message to the mainframe window and let it do the switch as
SDI apps normally do. I'm curioius why the SwitchView is part of the app and not part of
the mainframe. I know that's where the MSDN example puts it, but it doesn't seem to make
sense there. It has to keep reaching into the frame window to get what it needs, and does
nothing that actually depends on the app class itself.
(I'm beginning to lose faith in any number of MSDN examples for reasons like this)
I'd suggest moving this to the CMainFrame class, thus eliminating the need to reach into
the main frame and do awkward casts, and means you can put a message handler in that can
handle a user-defined message and call the handler, e.g.,
AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->PostMessage(UWM_SWAP_VIEW, (WPARAM)IDD_NEW_VIEW);
LRESULT CMainFrame::OnSwapView(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
return 0;
I don't know if my explanation is clear if it's not tell me.
A first approach would be to declare two new methods
SetNexView that is asynchronous and put only a flag inside CViewMgr
and to put a thread inside my CViewMgr that will wait for an event
I have no idea what you mean by "asynchronous" here, since a thread would be completely
inappropriate for this task. You cannot safely manipulate windows owned by one thread
from a different thread.
ReleaseView would set this event.
//Here is the example
void CWelcomeView::OnYesCommand()
if ( ... == TRUE){
CViewMgr::GetInstance()->SetNexView( IDD_MAINVIEW_DLG );
CViewMgr::GetInstance()->SetNextView( IDD_GOODBYE_DLG );
CViewMgr::GetInstance()->ReleaseView();// Asynchronous
But if am not satisfied with this solution.
Any idea ????
// CMainApp::SwitchView()
// Purpose:
// Switch from one view to another. Save and validate current view's
// data to document - fail if validation fails.
// Parameters:
// UINT nIndex (of view to switch to)
It seems odd to have this as a separate class; it seems like it would be a lot simpler if
it were just a function in the mainframe
CView* CViewMgr::SwitchView( UINT a_ViewId )
int iCurViewIdx = 0;
int iNewViewIdx = 0;
CView* pCurView = NULL;
CView* pNewView = NULL;
//Get current active view
pCurView = m_pFrame->GetActiveView();
TRACE( _T("CViewMgr::SwitchView : pCurView = 0x%x\r\n"), pCurView );
if ( pCurView == NULL)
return NULL;
//Get Curview and NextView index
iCurViewIdx = GetIndexFromView( pCurView );
iNewViewIdx = GetIndexFromId( a_ViewId );
if ((iCurViewIdx == -1) || (iNewViewIdx == -1))
return NULL;
pNewView = g_ViewInfo[iNewViewIdx].pView;
Why a global variable? A global variable should not be needed for any purpose here
// View is already displayed
if ( pNewView == pCurView ){
return pCurView;
// New view is NULL - we must create it
if ( pNewView == NULL ){
pNewView = CreateView( a_ViewId, iNewViewIdx);
TRACE( _T("pNewView = 0x%x\r\n"), pNewView );
if (pNewView != NULL){
// Save new created view
g_ViewInfo[iNewViewIdx].pView = pNewView;
}//pView == NULL
//Make sure that the document won't be destroyed when the view is
//m_bAutoDelete is a public, but non-documented member of CDocument.
CDocument* pCurrentDoc = m_pFrame->GetActiveDocument();
pCurrentDoc->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE;
// exchange view window ID's so RecalcLayout() works
UINT temp = ::GetWindowLong(pCurView->m_hWnd, GWL_ID);
::SetWindowLong(pCurView->m_hWnd, GWL_ID,
::GetWindowLong(pNewView->m_hWnd, GWL_ID));
::SetWindowLong(pNewView->m_hWnd, GWL_ID, temp);
// Display and update the new current view - hide the old one
if ( g_ViewInfo[iCurViewIdx].eCreationMode == CREATE_AND_DESTROY){
//delete pCurView;
g_ViewInfo[iCurViewIdx].pView = NULL;
else {
//OnInitialUpdate() is not called as a result of calling CreateView()
//It is not always called by the framework, so it is called here:
// Now show the view
return pNewView;
Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
MVP Tips:
not to be framework/OS dependent.
a maximum abstraction.
But it's always difficult to separate things.