Re: Inheritance and MFC

"Nobody" <>
Tue, 3 Jul 2007 17:36:28 -0700
Hi Tom,

You didn't post any of the code from your grid object,

I posted what was relevant.

if it is a control or displays anything I'll be it is already derived =

from or contains a CWnd at some point.
It does not.

Is this an object you created...


I guess that is what I am doing.
I am trying to create a control.
It is a control, but does not contain any controls.
I am trying to add controls to my control. i.e. Scrollbars

I noticed that the more I use the grid object, the more I have to keep =
adding scroll bars for pan, zoom, etc.
So, my idea was to make a CWnd GridSB Class that implements Scrollbars.
That class inherits from the Grid CObject class.
Then, I can leave the scroll bars inside of the CGrid Object, instead of =
Creating scroll bars each time.

This is basically what I have.

CGrid : public CObject
   //Bunch of stuff

CGridSB: public CGrid, public CWnd
    CScrollbar sb;
    SetScreenRect(){ PositionScrollbars(); }

    CGridSB sb;

"Tom Serface" <> wrote in message =

You didn't post any of the code from your grid object, but if it is a
control or displays anything I'll be it is already derived from or =


a CWnd at some point. Is this an object you created or one you can =

point us

to on the web so we could get a better look at what it's doing?
"Nobody" <> wrote in message
I have a grid object. The Grid Object inherits from CObject.
There are no controls and I was thinking about adding some. Zoom, Pan, =


So, I have extantiated a new class that inherits from CGrid and CWnd.
class CGridSB : public CGrid, public CWnd
Now, I would like to add some controls to the Grid Object.
The problem is that the controls needs an m_hWnd
I am not sure what to do?
_AFXWIN_INLINE void CScrollBar::ShowScrollBar(BOOL bShow)
{ ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); ::ShowScrollBar(m_hWnd, SB_CTL, bShow); =


I understand that the CGridSB oject needs to handle the Scrollbar =


so I need a message map
and perphaps a DECLARE_DYNCREATE along with an IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE =


I just need to get past the m_hWnd error.
Thanks for your help,

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