CSplitterWnd; create; WM_SIZE. Bug??

=?Utf-8?B?QXJtYW4gU2FoYWt5YW4=?= <armancho_x@rambler.ru(donotspam)>
Fri, 17 Aug 2007 05:54:00 -0700

My CMainFrame has a splitter wnd created (CreateStatic) inside
OnCreateContext. When I'm trying to set its column info inside WM_SIZE
handler (on CMainFrame) it causes an access violation ;

// inside WM_SIZE handler

if (m_wndSplitter.GetSafeHwnd() != NULL) {
    m_wndSplitter.SetColumnInfo(0, X, Y);

The reason is that inside SetColumnInfo, the m_pColIfno pointer is NULL
because it has not been intitalized yet even though the splitter is a 'valid
window' i.e.(IsWindow==TRUE).
The problem is that the first post to WM_SIZE is caused inside the
CSplitterWnd::CreateStatic method when it is trying to create the window, and
afterwards, it is trying to allocate memory for m_pColInfo [which turns out
is needed when CreateEx returns];
( from CSplitterWnd::CreateCommon [called by CreateStatic] )

// create with the same wnd-class as MDI-Frame (no erase bkgnd)
if (!CreateEx(0, _afxWndMDIFrame, NULL, dwCreateStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  pParentWnd->m_hWnd, (HMENU)(UINT_PTR)nID, NULL))
    return FALSE; // create invisible

// attach the initial splitter parts
    m_pColInfo = new CRowColInfo[m_nMaxCols];

My question is whether this is not a buggy situation; instead it would be
better to init m_pColInfo before CreateEx [and delete it in case of failure]

To overcome, I had to use an extra field to check whether CreateStatic has
returned or not;

// inside OnCreateClient

m_bMainSplitterReady = FALSE;
if (!m_wndSplitterExplore.CreateStatic(...))
    return FALSE;
m_bMainSplitterReady = TRUE;

And inside the WM_SIZE handler;

if (m_wndSplitter.GetSafeHwnd() != NULL && m_bMainSplitterReady) {
    m_wndSplitter.SetColumnInfo(0, X, Y);

So it's interesting to hear from you...



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