Re: CTabCtrl as sibling of CMDIFrameWnd::m_hWndMDIClient

 bhavacakra <>
Thu, 04 Oct 2007 20:04:15 -0000
Yes, I'm aware of that so I have already subclassed the mdi client
area, but in which of it's method should I resize/reposition it
manually so it doesn't overlap with anything ? (I'm new to the MFC

On Oct 4, 8:45 pm, "Mark Salsbery [MVP]"
<MarkSalsbery[MVP]@newsgroup.nospam> wrote:

CMDIFrame has a MDICLIENT window embedded in it.

The MDICLIENT is automagically resized/repositioned to fit the frame's
client area minus any decorations (toolbars, status bars, etc).

MFC will handle all the repositioning for you if you use a CControlBar
derived object (usually created in OnCreateClient).

Otherwise, you'll need to reposition the windows within the frame yourself.


Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++

"bhavacakra" <> wrote in message

What I'm trying to do is create a tab control at the top of the mdi
frame of a simple application. Here's the relevant code:

afx_msg int ApplicationFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
int r = CMDIFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct);
ASSERT(-1 != r);
r = m_Clientarea.SubclassWindow(m_hWndMDIClient);
CRect tbsz;
tbsz.bottom = 100;
r = m_Toolbar.Create(TCS_TABS|WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD,tbsz,this,10001);
return r;

afx_msg int Toolbar::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCs) {
int r = CTabCtrl::OnCreate(lpCs);
ASSERT(-1 != r);
r = InsertItem(0,_T("Hi"));
ASSERT(-1 != r);
return r;

ApplicationFrame is the CMDIFrameWnd and Toolbar is a CTabCtrl. The
tab window is detected by spy++ but it's not visible. What am I
missing ?

Thank you in advance, Flavius

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