Re: Writing unsigned char to std::ostream

"David Webber" <>
Sun, 2 Sep 2007 18:00:01 +0100
"David Wilkinson" <> wrote in message

  ostrm.put(unsigned char(0xEF)); // 1
It fails due to the use of unsigned char as a type in this context. Both
of the following compile correctly (not sure about running):

ostrm.put(unsigned(0xEF)); // 2
ostrm.put((unsigned char)0xEF); // 3

My 2d-worth: I'd have used the last, or maybe even

ostrm.put( (unsigned char)(0xEF) );

just because it looks like stretching things to destruction to have a
function-style cast with an apparent "function name" containing a space.

1. Is this a parsing bug in g++/Comeau?

If it is, it's not one which surprises me!

 > 2. Do you think the following is correct and portable?

void XMLHelper::WriteHeader(std::ostream& ostrm)
  ostrm << static_cast<unsigned char>(0xEFU);
  ostrm << static_cast<unsigned char>(0xBBU);
  ostrm << static_cast<unsigned char>(0xBFU);
  ostrm << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n";

Not sure - but it looks ugly with all those <<<< :-)

My instinct for clarity and security would be

ostrm.put( (unsigned char)(0xEF) );

Alternatively, how about

typedef unsigned char __uint8;

ostrm.put( __uint8(0xEF) );


David Webber
Author of 'Mozart the Music Processor'
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