Re: Can't read CString after serialization

Alexh <>
Mon, 10 Mar 2008 23:23:13 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks for the info - in my app the store to file would typically only
be done once after install but the read would be done often. I'm using
Visual Studio C++ 2005, no unicode. Here is my serialization code.
Pretty basic compared to the examples in the reference you provided.
The last item m_AspectStr is the only CString item. In my code I also
archive a different CArray to file and it never fails but it has no
CString items.

The other odd thing is that when I generate the archive, often the
read will work for a while but eventually it fails as I described.

IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CPlanetAspect, CObject,1)





void CPlanetAspect::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
    if (ar.IsStoring()){
        ar << m_BarNum
            << m_Date
            << m_NatalTransit1
            << m_Planet1
            << m_Planet1Deg
            << m_Aspect
            << m_NatalTransit2
            << m_Planet2
            << m_Planet2Deg
            << m_AspectStr;
        ar >> m_BarNum


On Mar 10, 10:32 pm, "Tom Serface" <> wrote:

You didn't say which version of C++ you are using (although you did mentio=


one of the ATL functions), but this might be your problem:

Are you building in Unicode? Perhaps you could also list your serializi=


code and that might reveal something. These kinds of problems are why I=

typically don't use serializing any more. I like to use XML, but any ki=


of ASCII based file format would work in my opinion. They are easier to=

read when you want to change the versions and/or access it from another
program. You may also find this article interesting:

Note, this is part 1 of 3 parts.


"Alexh" <> wrote in message


I have a CArray <MyClass, MyClass&> MyClassArray. MyClass contains
various elements, int, double and a CString (ex. MyString).
MyClass.cpp has the necessary Serialize statement.

In my code, MyClassArray is generated as necessary and serialized to a
file. Later it is read from the file and restored into MyClassArray.
At this point I get an error whenever I access the CString element in

I can access all other int or double elements in MyClass just fine.
However, any access of the form -

MyCArray.GetAt(i).MyString or -

MyClass = MyCArray.GetAt(i);
MyString1 = MyClass.MyString;

gives a run time error in the MS file atlsimpstr.h. Here is the line
from the file-

// This is a part of the Active Template Library.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.

static CStringData* __cdecl CloneData( __in CStringData* pData )
CStringData* pNewData = NULL;

IAtlStringMgr* pNewStringMgr = pData->pStringMgr->Clone(); /////this
line fails

All of the vars on that line are reporting as "expression cannot be
evaluated". Any idea what's going on here? I don't think it's
something obvious because as I said, all of the numeric elements are

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