Re: Using XmlTextWriter in VC++ App?

"Giovanni Dicanio" <>
Mon, 31 Mar 2008 20:21:23 +0200
"Donos" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

Is it possible to use XmlTextWriter class inside a VC++ project?
I guess this is .NET class used with C#.

You might find interesting also a code I developed to write XML files:

It manages automatic conversion from UTF-16 to UTF-8, so you are not
distracted by these kind of things, and you can just write code like this:


    // Create the XML writer object
    XmlWriter xml( L"Test.xml" );

    // Write XML content
    // (automatic conversion from UTF-16 to UTF-8)


This class also provides a simple way to indent nodes (via .Indent() and
..Unindent() methods), and helper methods to write comments (using <!--
.... -->), etc.

In the aforementioned zip file, you can find a simple test app for the

Some more info in the 'Info.txt' text file (in the .zip archive, too).
(Please note that the project has a "layered" architecture, meaning that you
can use the TextFileWriterUtf8 helper class to write generic UTF-8 text to
file, also in the case that you are not interested in XML. You can extract
that class from this project and use in other projects.)

Here is a sample code to illustrate other methods of the XmlWriter class, to
produce this XML file:


void TestXml()
    // Create XML file
    // (the XML header is automatically written)
    XmlWriter xml( L"Test.xml" );

    // Check that opening was successful
    ATLASSERT( xml.IsOpen() );

    // Can write comments
    xml.WriteComment( L"A Unicode comment with Italian accents ? ? ?" );
    xml.WriteComment( "A simple ASCII comment..." );

    // Simplest use:
    // Use WriteLine method to write a line in the XML file.
    // If text is UTF-16, automatically converts it to UTF-8
    xml.WriteLine( "<Root>" );

    // Can indent and un-indent, using proper methods
        xml.WriteLine( "<Person Name=\"Jeff\" />" );
        xml.WriteLine( "<Person Name=\"Bob\" />" );

        // Try some Unicode data in name...
        xml.WriteLine( L"<Person Name=\"Giosu?\" />" );

    // Can use helper method to write node begin/end
    xml.WriteNodeBegin( "MyNode" );
        xml.WriteNodeBegin( "MyNestedNode" );
            xml.WriteNodeBegin( "MoreNested" );
            xml.WriteNodeEnd( "MoreNested" );
        xml.WriteNodeEnd( "MyNestedNode" );
    xml.WriteNodeEnd( "MyNode" );

    xml.WriteLine( "</Root>" );



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