Re: How to serialize Mfc template dialog class ?

Goran <>
Thu, 10 Sep 2009 00:03:55 -0700 (PDT)
On Sep 8, 3:31 pm, Joseph M. Newcomer <> wrote:

Now do this with data structures that are very rich and which have been m=

odified for ten



I tried imagining how some soft of "tagged" data (I am guessing,
similar to XML, you are trying to push for some sort of id<->value
mapping for any particular n-tuple of data (a struct or a class) can
help significantly better than e.g. serialization and I can't see it.

Here's what I imagine (I am focusing on reading, because writing is
easier anyhow; I am also focusing on one n-tuple because everything
else, e.g. containers or other sorts of composition seem to be a
matter of putting bricks together):

If you have random access e.g. DOM of XML (I think, if you have
sequential access a l=E0 SAX of XML, things only get closer to
serialization), reading consists of getting out a value based on the
desired attribute, e.g.

member1 = value(attr1); member2 = value(attr2); ...

What this gives over serialization is random read order. That gives
possibility to skip "unknown" data items without using my "unused
idiom". In the light of small schema changes (which IMO in
overwhelming majority are additions to the n-tuple), that doesn't buy
much, either. One can alleviate missing attributes (get_value(member,
attr) and nothing is done if there's no attribute), avoiding if
(schema>=x) {} nesting. But that comes at a price of having bigger

Now... As far for "major" overhauls, I fail to see how "tagged data"
can avoid my step 3 from up here ("upon loading, if "global" version
is BOOM-1 and less, load obsolete data, then "convert" to new data
model"). It does avoid step 2, and there is hidden only major
conceptual advantage I can see: stored data is clearly disconnected
from data model present in the code. But again, that comes at a price
of having bigger "infrastructure". It should be noted that even with
serialization, he who is smart does not tie serialized "data model"
more than necessary with the rest of the code (incidentally, for the
most part that isn't my case :-( ).

^^^ infrastructure that which one doesn't do at all with
serialization - big amount of stuff is already there, e.g. container
serialization, schema support, very easy low-level primitives a l=E0 >>
and << etc. What serialization also offers is easy serialization of
complicated data graphs (doing ar <</>> p for one value of p in
multiple places results in correct p instance being read back). That's
something many are not aware of and comes in quite handy. Doable with
any other approach, sure, but again, a thing to write (and test).



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