On 12/1/2010 11:00 AM, Joseph M. Newcomer wrote:
On Tue, 30 Nov 2010 22:42:36 -0600, Peter Olcott<NoSpam@OCR4Screen.com> wrote:
On 11/30/2010 9:26 PM, Joseph M. Newcomer wrote:
Well, what does the struct have to do with the question? For example, I would store the
range values you show as two values, and consequently there is no issue about "variable
length". Now, if the question was "How can I store an array of integer pairs" then the
answer is a little more obvious: REG_BINARY. It is suggested that REG_BINARY values
always be less than 64K to prevent "Registry bloat"; greater than 64K will introduce
significant performance problems.
I always need to have pairs of integers, yet, I do not know how many I
will need. Very doubtfully more than one thousand, very probably less
than two dozen. These are only guesses.
The suggested maximum would tend to favor REG_BINARY. OTOH, are you sure the Registry is
really the best place to keep this (for example, an XML-based configuration file might be
a better choice)
If the number of elements in the array is small, I might consider just storing them as key
names 0..n, e.g.,
....\Range\0\first = 1
....\Range\0\last = 7
....\Range\1\first = 22
....\Range\1\last = 37
....\Range\2\first = 41
....\Range\2\last = 44
I am not sure exactly how many different integer pairs I will need. I am
using these to define Character Sets as Unicode CodePoint ranges.
For example for American English we only need:
21-7F (a single range).
Other languages may be much more complicated. I started looking into
Locales, and this looked promising yet too much learning curve. The
method that I propose also has much more flexibility.
I was initially thinking about the key names, but, this must always be
limited to some specific finite number, it does not scale well. I may
not need to scale well, I may never encounter more than very few range
Actually, you are always limited to some specific finite number, so there is no issue here
about the limit being unreasonable. But it would significantly slow down access if you
had a large number of elements, which is why the limit of a thousand or so suggests
REG_BINARY would be a better choice.
This will be the exact same format required by the ListBox interface.