Re: XML - one more try...
"saywhat" <> wrote in message news:ZR9zg.14777$qH5.4535@fe05.lga...
I am ripping my hair out over this.
I need to find a simple way of loading xml documents into a VS2005 mfc
app. I want to be able to add nodes to a document or create a new one, as
well as display it.
I was looking for a simple and small XML parser to compile into my app. I
found two free ones: TinyXML and FirstObject (CMarkup). For non-free,
CMarkup has an extended version, and The Ultimate Toolbox also has includes
an XML parser. All of these I found vastly easier to use than MSXML for my
simple purposes.
I chose not to use Xerces because it's redistributable was relatively huge.
I also am having trouble with finding a way to use msxml - am I stupid or
are the docs slanted twoards .net and VB?
No, I found this also! MSXML is saddled with a COM interface, which despite
all the ATL macros, will never be as simple as a straight C++ design. VB
and .NET are the easiest way to use COM objects.
Any of the files I've downloaded won;t compile. Am I missing an sdk, I
thought it came with VS2005, am I wrong?
I don't think anyone will accuse Microsoft of making it easy to find what
you need. I just had the same issue when trying to build a DirectShow
example. DirectShow used to be part of DirectX, but now it's bundled with
the Platform SDK! Thank God for the Microsoft blogs... at least now the
people who know the vital info are starting to publish it at a grassroots
I don't know about MSXML, sorry, except there are two major versions, each
with their own problems.
-- David