Help with ATL COM code for a kind of collection !

"rdc02271" <>
7 May 2006 10:07:37 -0700
Hello! I have been looking for a VB 6 collection like object (BUT
Faster) for some time now without success.
Not being a C++ programmer the thought of writting my collection/map
type COM Object didn't make my days very sunny.
Anyway I google for some code and I found something that manages to be
as slow as VB6 collection ;(

The Item method returns a variant and I wondered if returning wouldn't
be faster (I just want to return COM objects). SO i tried to make some
I'm posting the code I wrote (It compiles but I use It from VB6 it
returns something but aparently not an object?!

The goal is to create a fast (faster than VB6 collection)
map/collection to map BSTR to COM Objects.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for your attention and help.
Jorge C.

std::map< CAdapt< CComBSTR >, IUnknown* > m_map;

STDMETHOD(get_ItemV3)(BSTR Key, IUnknown** ppVal)

        HRESULT hr = S_OK;
        CComBSTR var=Key;

        std::map< CAdapt< CComBSTR >, IUnknown* >::iterator it;

        it = m_map.find(var);
        if (it == m_map.end())
            return E_FAIL;

        IUnknown* pElement;
        // Get the item
        pElement = (*it).second;

        // Put the IUnknown into pItem (Also implicit AddRef())
        return pElement->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**) &ppVal);

        //return S_OK;

    STDMETHOD(AddV3)(VARIANT Key, IUnknown* pValue)
        // Get a BSTR from the VARIANT
        CComBSTR str;
        HRESULT hr = VCUE::GenericCopy<BSTR, VARIANT>::copy(&str, &Key);

        // If we can't convert to a string, just return
        if (FAILED(hr))
            return hr;

        // Check whether item already exists
        if (m_map.find(str) != m_map.end())
            return E_FAIL; // item with this key already exists

        // Add the item to the map
        m_map[str] = pValue;
        return S_OK;

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