Re: Help - how to preserve XML Structure using C++ XSL Transform?

"Joe Fawcett" <joefawcett@newsgroup.nospam>
Wed, 21 Nov 2007 10:43:41 -0000
"Nanker" <> wrote in message

I have the following XML:

  <PrivateXML App="MyApp">
    <Version version_no="" version_date="Monday, March 26,
      <PrivateDevice DeviceID="1" Model="">
        <Speaker SpeakerID="0" name="MySpeaker"/>

and the following XSL:

  <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

    <xsl:output media-type="text/xml" method="xml" encoding="utf-8"

    <!-- Identity Transform -->
    <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

    <!-- Find the Version element and add the theName attribute -->
    <xsl:template match="Version">
        <xsl:attribute name="theName">MyName</xsl:attribute>
        <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|*"/>

Using this pair with some C# transform applications, my results are
the following (which is what I'm looking for):

  <PrivateXML App="MyApp">
    <Version theName="MyName" version_no=""
version_date="Monday, March 26, 2007" />
      <PrivateDevice DeviceID="1" Model="">
        <Speaker SpeakerID="0" name="MySpeaker" />

Using the following Visual C++ method:

  bool PerformXslTransform(_bstr_t xmlSource, const bool
            IXSLProcessorPtr pProcessor, _bstr_t* transformedResult)
    // Initialize all local variables
    void *output = NULL;
    XML2DocumentPtr pXml = NULL;
    IStream *pOutStream;
    bool success=false;

    // load source XML and the XSL file
      // Load the XML differently whether specified as a file or raw
        pXml = pdocCreateFromUrl(xmlSource);
        pXml = pdocCreateFromString(xmlSource);

      // prepare Stream object to store results of transformation

      // Attach to processor XML to transform, and do the

      //Get results of transformation
      HGLOBAL hg = NULL;
      pOutStream->Write((void const*)"\0",1,0);
      output = GlobalLock(hg);
      *transformedResult = (const char*)output;

      success = true;

    //release these components
    if(pXml != NULL)

    return success;

My results are instead the following:

  <PrivateXML App="MyApp">
    <Version theName="MyName" version_no=""
version_date="Monday, March 26, 2007">
      <PrivateDevice DeviceID="1" Model="">
        <Speaker SpeakerID="0" name="MySpeaker">

I realize that these are equivalent, but these files in my environment
will possibly end up being edited by support teams, and I would rather
preserve the format:

 <Speaker SpeakerID="0" name="MySpeaker"/>

instead of changing it to:

 <Speaker SpeakerID="0" name="MySpeaker">

Since the XSL provides the desired results using C#, I'm hoping that
there is something I'm missing with my C++ code to preserve the
element structure.

Can someone please provide some guidance as to how I can preserve this
structure using C++?

Thanks in advance

Possibly setting to preserveWhitespace to true/false explicitly on the
document instance would help.


Joe Fawcett (MVP - XML)

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