Re: Internet Explorer Addon

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Wed, 24 Oct 2007 16:09:07 +0200
* kitkatrobins:

On Oct 24, 11:54 am, wrote:

On 10 24 , 6 16 , kitkatrobins <> wrote:

I am creating an Internet Explorer add on. I am doing this using
Browser Help Objects in C++. I've been programming for many years but
mainly as a c# developer and have had little experience with C++.
I have got a basic add on into Internet Explorer, you press a button
it fires an event. Within this event I would like to get the current
URL. How do I do this?
Thanks in advance for any comments

you can do this using the IUnknown *pUnkSite passed to you as the
argument of IObjectWithSite::SetSite;
First, Query the IWebBrowser2* interface pointer from pUnkSite;
CComQIPtr<IWebBrowser2> pWebBrowser2 = pUnkSite;
then get URL through the LocationURL method of IWebBrowser2;
CComBSTR bstrUrl;
and now bstrUrl is what you need;


I thought it was on those lines, however I seem to get the error
"Debug Assertion Failed! ...atlcomcli.h Line: 154, p != 0????

This error is raised when I try "HRESULT hr2 = m_spWebBrowser-

get_LocationURL(&bstrUrlName);" within the Exec method.

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