Re: Invisible window in a thread - hangup ?
<> wrote in message
The point is that when placing an ActiveX control inside that window
(flash or IE for example), it does nothing (no paint, no sound) unless
there's a message loop inside that thread.
How exactly do you expect the control to paint on a hidden window?
When not in a separate
thread, this code works without the message loop.
Most likely, your main thread already runs a message loop. That's what
makes your UI respond to mouse clicks and such. What do you think your
application is doing while waiting for user input?
The overall idea is to embed Flash and IE browser into my DirectX
application. Well, I already achieved that using an invisible AtlAxWin
and IViewObject, but every "screenshot" I do is eating time from the
main renderloop, so when using more than one control at the same time,
the framerate drops critically (10fps or less). What I'm trying to do
is to separate the whole components (flash/IE) into a separate
threads, so they won't mess up my renderloop.
So post a message to your hidden window, in response to which it will
call IViewObject::Draw.
With best wishes,
Igor Tandetnik
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to
land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead. -- RFC 1925