Re: localtime deprecated?

"kanze" <>
8 Jun 2006 19:11:17 -0400
Bo Persson wrote:

"kanze" <> skrev i meddelandet

Bo Persson wrote:

<> skrev i meddelandet

while compiling an existing project in the new MSVC 2005
compiler, I received the warning that:

: warning C4996: 'localtime' was declared deprecated
        C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
8\VC\include\time.inl(114) : see declaration of 'localtime'
        Message: 'This function or variable may be unsafe.
using localtime_s instead. To disable deprecation, use
_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE. See online help for details.'

I wasn't aware that localtime was declared deprecated. Is
this true?

No. There is a proposal to the C standards committee though.
by Guess Who.

By who?

By the compiler writer, sharing their experience on internal
security projects.

Well, the final document was doubtlessly written by the project
editor, with some collaboration from other volonteers, and
approved by a vote in the general committee. You certainly
can't pin it on Microsoft alone.

A priori, by the ISO C committee, according to what I
can see. (As far as I know, Microsoft is not active in WG14.
Although I could be wrong, since I'm only indirectly active in
it myself. And don't forget that between the start of writing,
and the moment the document becomes official, it can easily take
five years.)

It almost did.

I was thinking about the original proposal for the new function
signatures, originating from Microsoft (2003).

Interesting. I haven't been following the C committee too
closely. Given Microsoft's total lack of support for C99, I
just assumed that they were ignoring C (and the C committee)

Note that there is a problem with localtime in a multithreaded
environment, and that Posix has also proposed a replacement,
required on Posix conformant platforms which support threading.

Sure. My comment were general on deprecating functions in the C
library. Hasn't happened yet, but might happen.

MSVC 2005 marked these functions 'was declared deprecated'
rather that the intended 'is considered insecure', because it
was less work doing so. Someone thought that wasn't a big
deal. :-)

Or didn't understand the difference. (Don't think for a moment
that everyone at Microsoft is as competent as Herb sutter.)

James Kanze GABI Software
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