C++ VC ATL STL Concurrency Experts
Articles: 1598 Generated on: Sat, 18 Apr 2015
Subject From
Re: "Where is my C++ replacement?"
Igor Tandetnik
Re: _pAtlModule == 0
James Kanze
Re: A small game
Re: About "integral types"
Re: Allocation during process exit
Igor Tandetnik
Re: ATL singleton
Pete Becker
Re: atomic counter
James Kanze
Re: Audit
Maxim Yegorushkin
Re: bind guard ?
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: C++ Coding Standards
James Kanze
Re: C++ fluency
Re: C++ strtok
Victor Bazarov
Re: C++-books
James Kanze
Re: C++14: Papers
Igor Tandetnik
Re: CComQIPtr Release
Re: checking if the memory was allocted previously
Victor Bazarov
Re: Class Usage
David Wilkinson
Re: CMAP under vs2005+
Re: CObList
Re: code pattern for locking & unlocking
Re: Code to behave as Re-Entrant
James Kanze
Re: Coding Style
Igor Tandetnik
Re: COM and VB
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
COM calls reentering in STA
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: CRT and Win32 SDK
Re: cube structure
Victor Bazarov
Re: Data Race problem
Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)
Re: Deriving from concrete types
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Descriptive exceptions
Re: Design for shared data
Re: Design question: asynchronous API in C++
Re: Destruction order of local static objects
Re: Don't trust your optimizer :-)
Re: Encapsulating related utility functions
Re: Error codes vs. exceptions
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: Error meaning in STL
Re: Evaluation order
Re: Events in C++
James Kanze
Re: exception
Re: Exceptions and thread-safety
Alexander Nickolov
Re: EXE COM Singleton
James Kanze
Re: Find error
Re: Free lightweight C++ signals and slots library
David Abrahams
Re: Future of C++
Le Chaud Lapin
Re: future of the C++
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Globals not deleted
James Kanze
Re: Grumble...
James Kanze
Re: Hang in throw
Victor Bazarov
Re: home made handle
Re: How to add thread-safety in a logging library?
James Kanze
Re: iconv trouble
Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)
Re: If GC is the solution, then what is the problem?
Re: Implementation of shared_ptr
Alberto Ganesh Barbati
Re: Implicit thread cancellation
Re: Initialization of local statics
Scot T Brennecke
Re: Is this thread-safe?
Re: Iterating over a directory
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Iterator inheritance
Abhishek Padmanabh
Re: Linker Error
Re: local static data vs. global data
Tom Widmer
Re: Memory Models
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Missing events
Re: move, instead of copy, assignment
Maxim Yegorushkin
Re: Multitasking in C++...
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: Multithreaded winsock
Victor Bazarov
Re: mutex
James Kanze
Re: Mutex/Lock
Re: Overloaded function lookup with const/volatile
Re: Platform independent code?
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Poco VS Boost
James Kanze
Re: print stack...
Re: Problem regarding process
Re: question about iterating hash_map
RAII object in constructor
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: ReadFile vs fread
Alberto Ganesh Barbati
Re: reclaiming memory guarantees
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Reentrancy
James Kanze
Re: reference
Richard Herring
Re: Reference Counting
Repository of all objects of a certain type
Pete Becker
Re: Require Lock?
Re: Returning a reference to a local variable
Re: Rolling files in C++
Re: safe "struct hack"?
Re: shared_ptr with no-op deleter
James Kanze
Re: singleton
Re: Singletons
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Size of "Hello world"
Igor Tandetnik
Re: sizeof
Re: Some thoughts on polymorphism
James Kanze
Doug Harrison [MVP]
Re: static int prob ...
Jim Langston
Re: static member
James Kanze
Re: std::atexit
Re: stl container within shared memory
Re: Strange template problem - Comeau vs EDG
Alex Blekhman
Re: synchronization
James Kanze
Re: temporary file
Re: this cast to const char*
Maxim Yegorushkin
Re: Thread mess
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: thread questions
Heinz Ozwirk
Re: thread safe
Re: Thread safe event loop
Re: Thread safety
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: Thread safety in set
Re: Thread save access to cout?
Re: thread-safe new and delete
Le Chaud Lapin
Re: Threads - When?
Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP]
Re: Unusual usage of IUknown
James Kanze
Re: using mutexes
Igor Tandetnik
Re: vector
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: WaitForSingleObject
Re: What kind of pattern is this?
Victor Bazarov
Re: which comes first?
James Kanze
Re: Who's who ?
Kaz Kylheku
Re: Why ! C++
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