Re: OS agnostic substitute for Microsoft COM?
On May 18, 3:09 pm, "Siegfried Heintze" <> wrote:
Threads share the same memory.
There is no need to serialize anything.
Asynchronous COM encapsulates the fact that a function implementation is
running on a seperate thread or process. I want some other framework to do
this so I don't have to code the critical sections, thread queues and
pools myself.
I've used Boost.threads to do this in C++. It wasn't a lot of work to
write something that could queue method invocations and invoke methods
(synchronously and asynchronously) on an object in another thread
where the object has thread affinity.
The trick is to use boost::lambda to bind the parameters into a
function object which can then be queued. This of course won't work
for all sorts of parameters. Boost serialise could be used as well to
perform the marshalling.
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