Re: destructors moved out of place ?

peter koch <>
Wed, 5 Mar 2008 06:48:00 -0800 (PST)
On 5 Mar., 15:18, wrote:

On Mar 5, 2:59 pm, Michael DOUBEZ <> wrote: a =E9crit :

I have a question whether compiler can move destructors past
the place when it's normal out-of-scope place is. Is this true ?
I have a lock/unlock wrapped into the object SafeLock,

     where SafeLock::SafeLock() { m_lock.Lock(); }
     and SafeLock::~SafeLock() { m_lock.Unlock(); }
     void Class::Method(void) {
          SafeLock lock; // lock in ctor, unlocks in dtor
          // (1) lock is automatically unlocked here, ok.

So far, so good. The lock is unlocked at point (1), when it goes out
of scope.

Now let's look at the more complex case, with innner block:

      void Class::Method(void) {
         { // inner block
                SafeLock lock; // (4)
         } // (5)
         ... // (6)

Normally, lock(4) is destroyed at (5).

But I was told this is not necessarily so;
that C++ compiler is free to delay destruction of lock
until later, until end of bigger bklock at (6).

Is this true ? Is it indeed allowd ? I have difficulty to believe
standard allows this. Indeed, destructors can have side effects like
closing files.

The compiler could delay the destruction of the object if the overall
behavior is the same (as you said, if there is no side effect).

You are right, the lock is unlocked at (5).

Is it possible to have standard reference that explicitly
prohibits this "optimization" ?

The relevant parts are =A712.4-10:
Destructors are invoked implicitely [...] for a constructed object with
automatic storage duration (3.7.2) when the block in which the object
exits [...]

And =A73.7.2-3:
If a named object has initialization or a destructor with side effects,
it shall not be destroyed before the end of its block

Hmmm stange wording. It says "not before".
"Shall not be destroyed before end of its block".
But it does not say "not after".

Well, I believe the standard is quite clear - and all was quoted by

Destructors are invoked implicitely [...] for a constructed object with
automatic storage duration (3.7.2) when the block in which the object
exits [...]


If a named object has initialization or a destructor with side effects,
it shall not be destroyed before the end of its block

so it must not be destroyed before ever - not even if it looks as it
is unused.

So as Michael said, it is destroyed at exactly the point where the
scope ends.

So the destructor is implicitly invoked when the block exits.

Shall we interpreted it as permission to
invoke the destructor with side effects
*after* end of the block ? What good would be this for ?

I can see situations where this could be bad.


, nor shall it be
eliminated as an optimization even if it appears to be unused, except
that a class object or its copy may be eliminated as specified in 12.8.


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