Re: Avoiding the anonymous variable declaration RAII error...
On Mar 12, 6:37 pm, "Eric J. Holtman" <> wrote:
"Eric J. Holtman" <> wrote innews:Xns9A5E4E8002603ejhericholtmamcom@
However, it's a massive race condition just waiting to happen
if you forget the "lk", and just write:
process_threaded_data ()
Locker (m_mutex);
Well, it seems like the votes mostly go towards using
the pre-processor. I was hoping that there was some new
trick, either using templates, or hiding constructors,
that would work.
Actually there is a very simple technique to prevent an unnamed Locker
variable - just replace "Locker" in the variable's declaration with an
equivalent typedef:
typedef Locker StLocker;
process_threaded_data ()
StLocker (m_mutex); // Error
StLocker lk (m_mutex); // OK
// ...
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