Re: Threading in new C++ standard

Pete Becker <>
Fri, 25 Apr 2008 07:43:56 -0400
On 2008-04-25 04:33:22 -0400, Szabolcs Ferenczi
<> said:

Look at the section entitled "Mult-threaded executions and data races".

Thanks for the hint. I had a look at it. Alltogether, that section
considers how the compiler should react to an incorrect concurrent
program. By incorrect concurrent program I mean again as above.

Not just that. The terms that it defines are used in other places to
specify the meaning of a valid C++ program.

I would not guessed it before that those three pages are the new
language features for concurrency in C++0x.

They're the foundation for it.

Without this you cannot write a reliable, portable multi-threaded

Hmmm... How about portable multi-threaded applications written so far?

As you have pointed out, Boehm's article says that library-only
solutions, as used in applications written so far, can't guarantee
semantics. Which is why I referred to "RELIABLE, portable
multi-threaded applications".

Roundhouse Consulting, Ltd. ( Author of "The
Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and Reference

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