Re: ReadFile vs fread
You can also do random reads with non-overlapped handle, by supplying
OVERLAPPED structure and putting the file offset into Offset and OffsetHigh.
"Norbert Unterberg" <nunterberg@newsgroups.nospam> wrote in message
James Williams schrieb:
Testing is what I did. The disk is not being read concurrently. I have
a global critical section which prevents such an event. The critical
section protects the file handle so that only one thread may read at any
given time. The performance is gained because the processing algorithm
which processes the data in the buffer takes longer that the read
operation to fill the buffer, hence I can work with multiple threads.
By using Overlapped I/O with ReadFile, you get true concurrency without
the need to lock the file handle. The Offset and OffsetHigh members of the
OVERLAPPED structure speify thwe file position where the read starts, and
the hEvent tells your working thread when the read has finished and
processing can start. When using multiple concurrent ReadFile() calls from
different threads, you give the OS the chance to order the requests for
maximum I/O performance.
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