Re: Where do you want to go tomorrow?

John John - MVP <>
Fri, 07 May 2010 15:57:55 -0300
Hector Santos wrote:

John John - MVP wrote:

hector wrote:

Of course there is a MAIN source. It has to start from somewhere.
Most PEERS are going to start with the MAIN source, others will use a
mirror. The topology is more like a star network where you main have
many hubs. But there is a main HUB source which is not going to be
gating to other servers.

That is certainly not my (and many others, I'm sure) understanding of
the Usenet network. It may have been a star network in the very early
days but it is now, and has for quite a while been described as a mesh

Ok, first, the microsoft.public.* newsgroups are not usenet.

Gee, I wonder why Microsoft themselves refer to them as Usenet groups...


Well, #1 once the MS servers goes down, Google will not be able to pull
from TK2MSFTNGP01.phx.gbl! It will have find some thing else.

#2, you won't have MS server to post, and if you found another, you
don't know if Google will be pulling from it or that your Serer will be
posting to GOOGLE.

People post to the groups from all kinds of different servers, when the
Microsoft servers are down these other servers still synchronize between
themselves without any problem and these folks who post on other servers
can still post and read without the intermediary of Microsoft servers.
We have often seen this in the past when outages of a few hours or more
at the Microsoft servers have happened and some of us use other servers
to keep on posting, when the Microsoft servers come back only line they
then "catch-up" and then all the posts show up many hours latter on
these servers. This is obvious enough when you use non Microsoft
servers to read the posts in Microsoft groups, all kinds of posts which
have not made it to the MS servers, or posts which have been removed
from the MS servers are on the other servers for all to see and read.


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