Re: Segmentation fault when accessing members

Pete Becker <>
Thu, 1 Dec 2011 17:09:43 -0800 (PST)
On 2011-12-01 03:35:41 +0000, kelvSYC said:

I'm having this weird problem where I am segfaulting whenever I try to
access a member of my class:

class LookupTable {
    typedef boost::upgrade_lock<boost::shared_mutex> ReadLock;
    typedef boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> WriteLock;
    unsigned long query(unsigned int k, const Evaluator& eval) {
        // accessing results or mutex in any way segfaults here
    std::map<unsigned int, unsigned long> results;
    boost::shared_mutex mutex;

Another similar class (a class that manages LookupTable instances) has
a similar structure (in terms of its similarities with query()), but
doesn't segfault. Any thoughts as to be why this could happen?

Usually caused by a bad pointer. Does the object that you're calling
this function on actually exist?

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