64 bits values or 32 bits
For the 2 first questions (as comments in the code), the code below is
"half- working" on a 64 bits windows 7 laptop running Windev C++. Is
Windev running in 32 bits mode by default?
Without the if statement in this loop it returns 1 or
-4 294 967 295.
In fact, it is now returning 1 for question 2 which is not what I
With the if statement, the code returns
2 147 483 648 for 32 loops in question 1 and question 2 when it's 33
loops ?
Something wrong with the algorithm in the code???
while (var_integer > 0)
cout << "\n" << nb << "\tvar_int : " << var_integer ;
var_integer *= 2 ;
nb++ ;
if (var_integer > 0)
var_integer2 = var_integer ;
/* 1- Compute a n*2 value for 64 iterations */
/* 2- Maximum integer variable iterations for n*2 */
/* 3- Computer the number of iteration needed to reach the value in
question 1 */
int main()
long double var_long_double = 1 ;
long double var_long_double2 = 1 ;
unsigned int var_integer = 1 ;
unsigned int var_integer2 = 1 ;
int i = 1 ;
int nb = 1 ;
while (i < 64)
var_long_double *= 2 ;
i++ ;
cout << "\n1- Value for 64 iteration : " << var_long_double ;
while (var_integer > 0)
cout << "\n" << nb << "\tvar_int : " << var_integer ;
var_integer *= 2 ;
nb++ ;
if (var_integer > 0)
var_integer2 = var_integer ;
cout << "\n\n2- Number as integer variable for " << nb << "
incrementations : " << var_integer2 ;
i = 1 ;
while (var_long_double >= 0)
var_long_double /= 2 ;
if (var_long_double >= 0)
var_long_double2 = var_long_double ;
break ;
i++ ;
cout << "\n3-Number of maximum iteration for i as int " << i
"\n" ;
cout << "\n\n" ;
system("pause") ;
return 0 ;
catch (runtime_error e)
cout << e.what() << '\n' ;
keep_window_open("~") ;
cout << "Exiting\n" ;
keep_window_open("~") ;