Re: Bjarne's comments about exception specification

"Bo Persson" <>
Sun, 20 Jan 2008 21:31:50 +0100
Ioannis Vranos wrote:

Erik WikstrFm wrote:

On 2008-01-20 13:26, Ioannis Vranos wrote:

Does anyone use exception specifications in real world? I think
they are difficult to keep complying with them after some time,
and are difficult to be always accurate when defining them.

The empty specification (throw()) is quite useful to indicate that
a function does not throw (can be good to know when dealing with
exception safety). But other than that I do not see any widespread
use of it.

Perhaps a mechanism could be introduced in the C++0x/1x standard,
something simple like defining a function as:

void somefunc(void) throw()
 // ...

and getting a compile time error saying something like:

"Error: void somefunc(void) throw(): Wrong exception specification.
somefunc can throw std::bad_alloc, std::range_error".

That is make the compiler to check exception specifications for
errors too.

Yes, but you would get into real trouble if somefunc() calls some
templated functions, where one or two specializations might throw. How
is the compiler to know?

Bo Persson

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