Re: Book
On Jun 23, 4:48 pm, Darshan <> wrote:
On Jun 23, 9:46 am, Alan Woodland <> wrote:
Darshan wrote:
Which book can you recommend to master C++ at an
intermediate level?
Exceptional C++ (and its sequel) by Herb Sutter is a good
book for an 'intermediate master'. See
for more recommendations.
I am confused between Exceptional C++ by Herb Sutter and
Effective C++ by Scott Meyers. Which one should I go for?
What is the difference in this two series of books? Can
anyone suggest?
_Effective C++_ is a must, although I would consider it more a
beginner level, rather than itermediate---you must master it (or
the concepts in it) before you can write correct C++. Herb
Sutter's books are mainly based on his Guru of the Week postings
from comp.lang.c++.moderated; the level and importance of the
various points is very varied: some are truely Guru level, and
not really necessary for most C++ programmers; others are almost
beginner level, and absolutely essential in order to write
correct code; and a few are more games or trick questions than
anything else---fun, perhaps, but of no practical importance.
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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