Re: Open source internet components for C++?

=?iso-8859-1?q?Kirit_S=E6lensminde?= <>
23 Apr 2007 20:42:34 -0700
On Apr 24, 10:17 am, wrote:

Are there are any good open source internet components for C++ Windows
development in non-Borland environments?

For Borland C++ Builder, by the way, I have used Indy Sockets which is
an excellent open source package written in Delphi and another highly
used system is ICS Internet Component Suite also written in Delphi.

At this time, I am working on a Visual C++ project and I would like to
know if there are any open source components that can be used with VC+
+. I've seen some comercial C++ components as well as the MFC and ATL
internet components included in VC++ but I'd like to know what my
options are beforehand.

Our FOST.3 framework probably has all the library files you'd need.
We're in the process of working out the legal bits for open sourcing
it. There isn't a huge amount on the public facing web site, but there
are some more details on my site (linked from the main one).


If you want to try it contact me by email and we'll be able to work
something out.

If you need the O/RM part it uses MS SQL as a data store at the
moment. There are also a load of classes for handling various common
net related tasks so you don't need to use the O/RM if you don't need


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