Re: New to C++

"Bo Persson" <>
Mon, 28 Jan 2008 19:07:39 +0100
drg wrote:

Jerry Coffin wrote:

In article <DHcnj.41976$>,
drg62 says...

I have studied Java and C# but want to get to know C++ as well
and, well, I am already confused. I am studying from Microsoft
visual (2003) and compiling on visual studio c++ express
2005. when I try to compile:

   Console::WriteLine(S"Hello World")

I get an error.

If I compile:

Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World")

it is able to build.

From the looks of things, you're not using C++ at all. Neither one
of these should compile.

Is the 'S' deprecated? If so, has C++ changed that much between
2003 and 2005. I'm afraid to tackle 2008.

My guess is that you're using what Microsoft calls C++/CLI. The
name is deceiving you -- your code is not really C++ at all.

Ahhh -- you having said that made me look back to the previous
chapter where I was introduced to Managed Extensions for C++(MC++).

That's the first attempt, which wasn't very successful. C++/CLI is
another language, also invented by Microsoft.

The you have the real C++, the ISO standard C++ language. Visual
Studio will do that as well, if you just set the appropriate switches.

Bo Persson

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