Re: Porting issues: Visual Studio and gcc

red floyd <>
Thu, 3 Sep 2009 16:29:15 CST
On Sep 3, 9:32 am, Kenneth Porter <>

Has anyone gathered a list of issues encountered when porting code that
compiles with Visual Studio to gcc or other more strict compilers? (I don't
mean platform-dependent stuff like special keywords. I'm interested in
things I might mis-code thinking they're legal because VS doesn't

I have an app developed under VS 2005 (customer requirement) and 2008 and
am recompiling it under gcc, which catches issues that VS missed. Two I've
encountered so far:

VS lets one "forward declare" an enum, which is apparently a language
violation. To fix this, I hoisted all my enum definitions to a common
header instead of forward declaring them.

gcc is a bit noiser when assigning a double to an int (or unsigned),
issuing a warning in those cases. So I'm wrapping those cases in

Are there other issues that others have encountered that I should watch for
when I'm coding under Windows?

Compile with /Za under VS.

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