Re: About member variable initilization and default constructor issues
On Oct 30, 4:49 pm, JosephLee <> wrote:
In Inside C++ object Model, Lippman said there are four cases in which
compile will sythesize a default constructor to initialize the member
variables if the constructor is absent:
Note that Lippman is talking about the internals of a C++
compiler, not about the language specification. According to
the language specification, a default constructor is always
synthesized if there is no user defined constructor. The
conditions below define what the standard calls a "trivial"
constructor (or rather the inverse); if the constructor is
"trivial", it's a no-op, and internally, the compiler doesn't do
1. there is a virtual function;
2. virtual inheritance;
3.base class with explicit default constructor;
4.member object with explicit default constructor.
That should be member object or base class with non-trivial
And of course, the compiler doesn't even consider synthesizing a
default constructor if you have declared any other constructor.
class A {
int i;
A* p;
int main()
A a;
if(a.i ==0 || a.p == 0) //do something
The behavior is undefined for the above case.
If we modify class A to
have any one of the four characeristics, then the member variables
will be initialized in the default constructor sythesysized by the
compiler, as though
A():i(0),p(0){} is defined in the class.
No. The synthesized constructor doesn't initialize int's or
But I try this in different compilers, and yield different
results. My question is : Is Lippman teaching ISO standard, or
Well, he's talking about compiler internals, so it's definitely
implementation specific. But I'm rather surprised that he says
that the synthesized constructor will initialize the variables
above; the standard doesn't require it, and none of the
compilers on which Lippman has worked do it.
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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