Re: About member variable initilization and default constructor issues

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Tue, 30 Oct 2007 12:05:42 -0400
JosephLee wrote:

In Inside C++ object Model, Lippman said there are four cases in which
compile will sythesize a default constructor to initialize the member
variables if the constructor is absent:

1. there is a virtual function;

2. virtual inheritance;

3.base class with explicit default constructor;

4.member object with explicit default constructor.


class A {


      int i;

      A* p;
int main()
     A a;
    if(a.i ==0 || a.p == 0) //do something

The behavior is undefined for the above case. If we modify class A to
have any one of the four characeristics, then the member variables
will be initialized in the default constructor sythesysized by the
compiler, as though
A():i(0),p(0){} is defined in the class.

But I try this in different compilers, and yield different results. My
question is : Is Lippman teaching ISO standard, or compiler-
dependent? Thanks

The Standard says that the constructor is trivial if it's implicitly
defined and the class no virtual functions or virtual bases, all direct
base classes have trivial c-tors, all non-static data members also have
trivial c-tors. So, turn that around and you get what Lippman says.

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