Re: Private inheritance interferes with dynamic cast

Andrey Tarasevich <>
Sat, 02 Feb 2008 10:45:52 -0800
Marc wrote:

Hi all. Suppose we got something like this:

class A
    //some code

class B: public SomeOtherClass, private A
    //some more code

void foo (B* b)
   A* a = dynamic_cast<A*> (b);
   //a is NULL!?

When I use this code, dynamic_cast returns NULL. However, if I change B to
be a public inheritance from A, then it works fine. So, it seems like the
kind of inheritance is affecting dynamic_cast in some way. My question is:
is this correct according the C++ standard, or is it a bug in my compiler?

Most likely - yes, but read on.

Note, that in this case you are using 'dynamic_cast' to perform an _upcast_, not
a downcast, i.e. the "magic" run-time properties of 'dynamic_cast' are not used
in this case. If not for the access problem, this cast could've been performed
by an ordinary compile-time cast (e.g. 'static_cast' or C-style cast). Of
course, because of the access restriction, 'static_cast' will be ill-formed in
this case ("will not compile"), while C-style cast will in fact do the cast.
(Although forceful C-style cast through private inheritance is never a good idea.)

Now, what about 'dynamic_cast'? If you read the specification of 'dynamic_cast'
in C++ standard, it is a bit ambiguous. On the one hand, it sounds like
'dynamic_cast' is supposed to behave exactly like 'static_cast' when used for
upcasts, meaning that your example is also ill-formed, should not even compile.
On the other hand, it might also be interpreted as the situation when
'dynamic_cast' should compile and fail at run-time, i.e. return null-pointer.
This ambiguity is recognized in a relatively recent defect report #665

and the issue is still open.

Personally, I believe that the former interpretation is the intended one. And,
for example, Comeau Online agrees with me on that. g++ 3.4.4 also reports a
compile error. Apparently, your version of g++ prefers the latter. Maybe you
should stop using that pre-release...

Best regards,
Andrey Tarasevich

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