Re: myCar.acUnit.SwitchOn();

=?UTF-8?B?RXJpayBXaWtzdHLDtm0=?= <>
Sat, 03 Nov 2007 02:28:18 GMT
On 2007-11-02 20:55, gccntn wrote:

On 2 Nov, 03:48, "Jim Langston" <> wrote:

"gccntn" <> wrote in message

I know the subject of the post is a bit cryptic, but here is what I'd
like my code to look like:

int main()
  Car myCar;
  myCar.acUnit.SwitchOn(); // invoke TurnOn(), method of class
AC, which is a member of class Car
  myCar.acUnit.SetTemp(75); // invoking SetTemp(), method of class
AC, which is a member of class Car
  return 0;

How should I declare classes Car and AC?

The way I see things, this is what the declarations would look like:

class AC

class Car
     AC acUnit;
     Engine engine;

What should <access_specifier> be so that I can invoke AC's methods
from a Car as outlined in the code above?

public.- Nascondi testo tra virgolette -

- Mostra testo tra virgolette -

What if I wanted to grant Car's methods access to AC's methods, BUT I
did NOT want users of the Car class to have access to all the methods
in AC?

For instance, while I would a Car to initialize the AC:

bool Car::Start()
  acUnit.Initialize(); // I WANT TO ALLOW THIS

I would NOT want someone to initialize acUnit via the Car class:

int main()
   Car myCar;
   myCar.acUnit.Initialize(); // NO!!!

Any suggestions? Thanks again for your help.

Make it a private member (or use private inheritance) and provide access
methods for the things you want to allow.

Erik Wikstr??m

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