Re: Non-static singleton setup to control life time

Francis Glassborow <>
Mon, 14 Dec 2009 18:29:02 CST
Kris Prad wrote:

I want to setup a singleton, without 'static' initialization. My
motive is to control the life time of the Singleton, bounded by its
scope, something I cannot do with the statics.

Not this way. This uses static:

Single* Get()
   Static Single s; // do not want static
   Return &s;

Instead, I am doing this (please ignore thread safety issues)
Single* g_Single = NULL; // global singleton ptr
struct Single

        if (!g_Single)
            g_Single = this;
           throw string("Single is a singleton");
        g_Single = NULL;

 Is this ugly or acceptable?


What is wrong with this:

class Single {
       if(exists) throw("You can only have one object of type Single");
       exists = true;
       // do rest
    ~Single() { exists = false }
// rest of interface
    static bool exists;
// rest of private interface etc.

bool Single::exists(false);

The trouble with your use of a global variable is that it could be
accidentally modified and the compiler will not be able to help you.

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