Re: C++ for windows while camping outdoors.

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Fri, 12 May 2006 21:11:09 +0200
* DaLoverhino:

Hello, I could just use GNU's stuff and cygwin's commandline stuff to
do Windows XP development, but that would be sort of like going outdoor
camping in a mobile home. I want to know how it would feel to be a
windows developer.

Is there a decent IDE C/C++ compiler for windows, like Borland or
Microsoft C++?
I plan to write mostly commandline interfaces. But, I want to slowly
branch out to making actual Windows apps. Ideally, I'd just like a
nice gui front end to GNU compiler.

You do not need an IDE to create GUI applications, no matter the
operating system (which, by the way, is off-topic here...).

I looked at buying Borland compiler, but it's over $1000. They got a
free 1 month trial, but anything non-trivial will take more than a
month to write up.

So what are come cheap/free alternatives?

Free C++ IDEs for Windows (I have no experience with them except
as noted):

* Microsoft's Visual Studio Express.

* CodeBlocks (reportedly the heir to DevC++).

* Bloodshed Dev-C++ (reportedly no longer maintained, but when
   I looked at the web site now it says "Dev-C++ 5 (currently beta)").

* Eclipse (reportedly works "best" with g++, when I tried it a
   few years ago it was not a work-saver, to put it that way)

* Ultimate C++ IDE (looked at it recently, it gave me the same
   impression as ISE Eiffel once did, all restricted to some very
   unconventional notion of how things should work, not much
   recognizable -- which is sad, because it's obviously someone's
   pride, a lot of work gone into it).


- Alf

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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A: Top-posting.
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