C++ VC ATL STL Interface Experts
Articles: 2871 Generated on: Sun, 19 Apr 2015
Subject From
Re: "Where is my C++ replacement?"
Alexander Nickolov
Re: #import and CComQIPtr
Maxim Yegorushkin
Re: #include file optimizer
Re: (Forward) declarations of enums
Juha Nieminen
Re: .h and .cpp
Igor Tandetnik
Re: A simple question
Igor Tandetnik
Re: About safearray
Re: Access to different database types
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: ActiveX in DLL
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Add
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Aggregation in COM
Re: Allowing duplicate template specialisations
Re: Another approach to forward/move issues
James Kanze
Re: Any tips?
Alvin Bruney [ASP.NET MVP]
Re: Architecture Recommendations
Re: Array optimizing problem in C++?
Re: array_size(T(&)[N])
Thorsten Ottosen
Re: assert_handler?
Re: Assertions in principle
Alexander Nickolov
Re: ATL Com
Igor Tandetnik
Re: ATL in WinForms app
Igor Tandetnik
Re: ATL singleton
Igor Tandetnik
James Kanze
Re: Audit
James Kanze
Re: bad alloc
Re: Basic problem with Inheritance
Re: BLAS vs CBLAS in C++
Juha Nieminen
Re: C or C++?
Bo Persson
Re: C++
peter koch larsen
Re: C++ boxing
Abhishek Padmanabh
Re: c++ calling c functions
Re: C++ Component Dependencies
James Kanze
Re: C++ fluency
Re: C++ language: Cloneable classes
Rolf Magnus
Re: C++ References
James Kanze
Re: C++ threads...
"Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email
Re: C++0X uniform_int_distribution and uniform_real_distribution
red floyd
Re: C++ify tag
Victor Bazarov
Re: Call order
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Callback Trouble
Re: Can I use overloading for optional parameters?
Pete Becker
Re: cast
Victor Bazarov
Re: casting from void*
Alexander Nickolov
Re: CATID_ActiveScript
Igor Tandetnik
Re: CComPtr subtlety
Igor Tandetnik
Re: CComQIPtr Release
Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]
Re: Change BIOS using C/C++?
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Changing Event Signature
James Kanze
Re: Character set
Re: Check pin state of Serial Port
Re: Class Design Alternatives
Re: Class hierarchies and concepts
David Wilkinson
Re: CMAP under vs2005+
Igor Tandetnik
Re: CoClass name issues
James Kanze
Re: Code Help
Re: Code specific to couples of classes
Igor Tandetnik
Re: COM and VB
Heinz Ozwirk
Re: COM Basics
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
COM calls reentering in STA
Igor Tandetnik
Re: COM component GUID
Alexander Nickolov
Re: COM in dll
Igor Tandetnik
Re: COM question
Bernd Strieder
Re: Compiled C vs C++
James Kanze
Re: compiler error
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Connection Point question
Earl Purple
Re: const and ABCs
Re: Constant time search in list.
Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)
Re: Conveniently generating random numbers with TR1 random
Re: covariant return types and std::unique_ptr
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Covariant vectors
Re: CoW and reference counting in the STL
James Kanze
Re: Create objects
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: CRT and Win32 SDK
Dave Harris
Re: cstring hash
Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]
Re: CString vs std:string
Re: Custom destructors -- memory management
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Custom marshalling
Alexander Nickolov
Scot T Brennecke
Re: debugging strategies
Re: Declaring iterators
Carl Barron
Re: Defect Report
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Descriptive exceptions
Re: Design of a TextBuffer and support of istream
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: design problem...
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Design question
Design question: asynchronous API in C++
Re: destructor of binary tree
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Dll Automation?
Igor Tandetnik
Re: DLL won't register
Re: Encapsulating related utility functions
Andrei Polushin
Re: Enemy Functions?
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Error in DispEventAdvise
Alexander Nickolov
Re: error in function call
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: exception error
Re: exceptions in constructor
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Excessive Inlining
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Exe COM server question
Alexander Nickolov
Re: EXE COM Singleton
Re: Explicit Template Instantiation
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Extending a CoClass
Alberto Ganesh Barbati
Re: Fat String Class
Re: Favorite FREE C++ compiler
James Kanze
Re: file position
Re: File Read Performance Issue
James Kanze
Re: fstream
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Future of Attributes
Bo Persson
Re: Future of C++
Le Chaud Lapin
Re: future of the C++
Egbert Nierop \(MVP for IIS\)
Re: GUID passing to managed C++
James Kanze
Re: help
Re: Help with C++
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Help! MID2039
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Help! MIDL2039
Re: How to make insert-and-overwrite into a map
Re: How to represent a constructor in UML?
Igor Tandetnik
Re: How to use Invoke?
James Kanze
Re: I don't get it
Victor Bazarov
Re: Idiots
Alexander Nickolov
Re: idl and SAFEARRAY
Alexander Nickolov
Re: IDL help, argh argh argh
Alexander Nickolov
Re: IDL namespaces?
Alexander Nickolov
Re: IDL questions
Alexander Nickolov
Re: IErrorInfo question
Alexander Nickolov
Re: IGraphBuilder Problem
Alexander Nickolov
Re: IMarkupContainer
Re: In-memory order of class variables
Juha Nieminen
Re: include
Re: Initializer lists and std::array constructors
Victor Bazarov
Re: inner class
Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)
Re: Innerclass inheriting from an outter class?
instantiating an allocator with void
Victor Bazarov
Re: Is this a functor?
Re: Is this correct C++?
Igor Tandetnik
Re: IViewObject:Draw
James Kanze
Re: Java or C++?
James Kanze
Re: java, c or c++
Alexander Nickolov
Re: jointly MBV objects
Walter Bright
Re: Learn or Skip C?
Scott McPhillips [MVP]
Re: Learning about monikers
James Kanze
Re: learning Boost
James Kanze
Re: linker error
Alexander Nickolov
Re: LoadMenu
James Kanze
Alberto Ganesh Barbati
Re: LWG Issue #387 -- std::complex
Juha Nieminen
Re: making a class
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Making asynchronous calls
Re: making overridden methods "more private"
Igor Tandetnik
Re: marshalling
Victor Bazarov
Re: Marshalling deques
Re: Memory layout of class
Tom Widmer [VC++ MVP]
Re: memory pool allocator
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Merge Proxy/Stub
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Midl Bug with 'call_as'
Bo Persson
Re: Mis-feature?
Re: Moving private functions to opaque inner
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Multi Inheritance
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: multiple catch types
Re: Multiple dispatch problem with swap()
Re: Multiple implementations of the same algorithm
Maxim Yegorushkin
Re: Multitasking in C++...
Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP]
Re: Need Help about MSXML , LoadXML
Bo Persson
Re: News Group
Igor Tandetnik
Re: No Type Library?
Igor Tandetnik
Re: odl or idl?
On removal of allocators' address() as proposed by N2257
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Operator: alignof
Daniel T.
Re: operator==
Re: ostream::operator <<( size_t )
Re: Overloaded function lookup with const/volatile
Alexander Nickolov
Re: own data types
Victor Bazarov
Re: Partial classes
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Passing array of strings
Re: Passing on ostringstream
Re: Platform independent code?
Re: Pointers to key and value of a map
Re: Polymorphic Accumulate
Re: portable Unicode programming.
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: Porting C to C++
Maxim Yegorushkin
Re: preprocessor question
James Kanze
Re: priority queue
Re: priority queue question
Re: Programming on Linux vs Windows
Re: protected constructor, std::list and friends
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Proxy Stub problem
Alexander Nickolov
Re: proxy/stub woes
Re: public headers
Re: public member variable vs. get/set functions
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: pure virttual function
Re: RAII object in constructor
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: reading data type
Re: reclaiming memory guarantees
Re: recursion and global variables
Igor Tandetnik
Re: ref count
Re: ref counting - Scott Meyers more effective C++
Maxim Yegorushkin
Re: ref to shared_ptr?
Re: reference
Igor Tandetnik
Re: RegisterServer
Repository of all objects of a certain type
James Kanze
Re: rtti
Jim Langston
Re: set inside a map
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: Shallow\Deep copy
Alexander Nickolov
Re: shared memory + IStorage
Victor Bazarov
Re: simple class
Re: Simple List Access by Index
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: simple question
Smart pointers and inclomplete types
Egbert Nierop \(MVP for IIS\)
Re: Split a _bstr_t
Re: std::distance
Abhishek Padmanabh
Re: std::set has no assign
Re: std::string on "const char *"
Maxim Yegorushkin
Re: std::string::data()
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Still need help!
Re: STL algorithms: remove and remove_if
James Kanze
Re: String length?
James Kanze
Re: strings
Victor Bazarov
Re: subset of a POD
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Template And Arrays
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: templates
Alberto Ganesh Barbati
Re: Templates and private data
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: templates and virtual
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Templates HowTo?
Victor Bazarov
Re: Testing for end()
Re: The first template argument
Alberto Ganesh Barbati
Re: The Function Order in vtable
Alexander Nickolov
Re: theoretical question
Le Chaud Lapin
Re: Threads - When?
Victor Bazarov
Re: Throwing exceptions
Abhishek Padmanabh
Re: traits and policies
Carl Barron
Re: truncate file
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Typelib issue
Maxim Yegorushkin
Re: udp sockets
Alan Woodland
Re: undo/redo algo
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Unicode problem
Re: Unusual C construct - What is it?
Re: Upgrade from Windows-1252 to UCS-2
Re: Use cases for C++
Re: Use Function Pointer Instead Friend?
Re: use of type_index any better than &typeid()?
Alexander Nickolov
Re: use struct in vbscript?
Re: valarray <vallaray<T> > efficiency
Re: ValBits()
Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)
Re: Variables in for loop (style issue)
Igor Tandetnik
Re: variant memory leak
Alexander Nickolov
Re: VB to VC
Alexander Nickolov
Re: VBA References DIalog
James Kanze
Re: vc++ best ide?
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Verify and expression
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Virtual function
Re: Virtual functions
James Kanze
Re: virtual member
Victor Bazarov
Re: virtual operator +
Re: Virtual private member functions
Re: want to write a program for myself
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Warning
James Kanze
Re: Web services
Re: Weird V-table issue
Re: What are requirements for allocator destructor?
Re: What does Ctor::Ctor prototype mean?
Bo Persson
Re: what's this?
Scot T Brennecke
Re: Which should I use
Rolf Magnus
Re: Why ! C++
Re: Why is 'Variant' used in so many contexts?
Re: Why is there no input value optimization?
Earl Purple
Why no conversion?
James Kanze
Re: Why use C++?
Re: Why use object pointers rather than objects?
Re: Windows Data Types
Re: Wrong
Victor Bazarov
Re: {0} vs {}
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