Re: C++ framework design question

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Sat, 3 Jan 2009 10:24:50 -0500
Angus wrote:

I am creating a C++ framework for working with telephone systems.
There are a lot of different interfaces and this is the main problem.

Currently my basic design is as follows:

Abstract factory pattern. Creates a telephony object without
specifying concrete classes.

The telephony object then creates a interface class (IFace) which has
supporting device and call classes. The IFACE class has a list of the
calls and devices. Devices are for example a telephone handset.

The IFace, device and call objects are abstract. Then I have these
sort of interfaces for actual implementation:

class ABCPhone: public IFace

class ABCDevice : public device

class ABCCall : public call

Currently I am working on two actual implementations - lets call them
ABC and XYX.

When I created the ABC implementation I would create for example ABC
devices and calls and put a lot of the device and call processing code
in IFace, device and call. This has the advantage that anything in
the abstract classes can be re-used. But the problem is that now I am
developing XYZ interface, the standard code in these abstract classes
needs to be extended to cope with the peculiarities of XYZ.
Unfortunately XYZ is quite different to ABC.

So I am re-writing a lot of the code originally in IFace, device and
call into ABCPhone, ABCDevice and ABCCall. That is fine but means I
will have quite a lot of specific code for each implementation (longer
development cycles).

For example, is it a good idea to have a list of eg call objects in
the IFace class? If I need to extend call for specific
implementations then I need a list of XYZCalls for example? Then no
need for a list of call's?

Any tips on how to design this would be much appreciated.

These are great questions. I don't have time to answer them now,
sorry. I would, however, like to recommend two other newsgroups
since they seem fitting your problem. One is 'comp.object'.
Certain principles (interface, implementation, commonailities vs
specifics) are not limited to C++ and you can find lots of help
from the kind folk in 'comp.object'. The other newsgroup is
'' since you mentioned design for reuse and
maintainability. There are some engineering principles you can
apply to your work that aren't C++ specific either.

I am sure somebody will address your C++ concerns, just don't
discount the other opportunities, they can be even more useful
if you abstract from the particularities of the chosen language.

Good luck!

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