Re: debugging strategies

"Scot T Brennecke" <>
Sat, 9 May 2009 23:51:42 -0500
You said "stop" a few times, but that word is ambiguous to me. Does it mean the program terminates
abnormally with a fatal exception? Does it mean that all threads become idle and no work happens?
Does it mean that one or more threads consume the CPU in a busy loop and no progress is made? What
is "stops"?

"Angus" <> wrote in message


I have written a server product in C++. It is not .NET - standard C+
program. The problem I have is that the server from time to time
stops. Of course there is no log, no nothing. No idea what is
causing this. It runs as a service. It just stops! It will work
fine say for 24 hours and then just stop.

There are two interfaces / inputs to the server. I have a try catch
block on one of the interfaces and I am going to add a try catch
on the other interface. I think it is the interface where I have no
try/catch block which is causing the server to stop in this case.

Of course in my labs I never see this behaviour...

Does anyone have any input on how to troubleshoot/debug this?

I do have logging but logging gives me a very rough idea because I
the last thing that worked.

The site is a customer many miles away so that makes it trickier.

Any ideas would be very much appreciated.


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