C++ casting: object type -> char *
I'm using an old sparse matrix C library in my C++ code and I'd like
to know how to downcast a boost::shared_ptr to char *. The sparse
matrix data structure is like this:
struct sm_element_struct {
/* other fields here */
char *user_word; /* user-defined word */
struct sm_row_struct {
char *user_word; /* user-defined word */
struct sm_col_struct {
char *user_word; /* user-defined word */
In my c++ function, I do this:
typedef boost::shared_ptr<class Node> NodePtr; // where Node is a C++
static sm_matrix* convertNodeToSM(const NodePtr& n)
sm_matrix *M;
sm_element *elem;
sm_col *col;
M = sm_alloc(); /* allocate a sparse matrix */
unsigned int j;
NodePtr fanin;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n->numCubes(); ++i)
/* loop over all the fanin of n)
foreach_fanin(n, j, fanin)
switch (fanin->getValue())
case ZERO:
elem = sm_insert(M, i, j); // create an element at
sm_put(elem, 1); // set elem->user_word = 1
col = sm_get_col(M, static_cast<int>(j)); get the jth
sm_put(col, boost::lexical_cast<char *>(fanin));
basically i need to store fanin (type NodePtr) into the "user_word" of
col which takes a char *. so i need to type cast. in C, i would have
just done
(char *) fanin;
but i want to know how to do this properly in C++ is
boost::lexical_cast the way to go?
and then to convert from the user word -> NodePtr I'd do this:
boost::lexical_cast<NodePtr> (col->user_word);
is this correct?
i would have preferred to use boost::ublas::mapped_matrix but i'm
finding it is not suitable to my program (minimization of Boolean
functions) so i have to use an old sparse library which is general
enough but has some support for this application domain.
i'd appreciate any help on the casting. thanks for your time.