Re: Copy Constructor with Template Class
On Sep 29, 5:26 am, Donovan Parks <> wrote:
I am rather lost about how to properly setup a copy
constructors and operator= with my template class.
The first thing to do is to define the semantics of copying, and
what a copy is, with respect to the original. (Assignment
usually follows copy.) You should even ask yourself if copying
makes sense; it doesn't for a lot of things.
My class if as follows:
template<class T> class Image
IplImage* imgp;
Image(IplImage* img = NULL) { imgp = img; }
if(imgp != 0)
imgp = NULL;
IplImage* Ptr() { return imgp; }
void operator=(IplImage* img)
imgp = img;
// copy construction
Image(const T& rhs);
T& operator=(const T& rhs);
template<class T>
Image<T>::Image(const T& rhs)
if(rhs.imgp != NULL && rhs.m_bReleaseMemory)
imgp = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(rhs.Ptr()), rhs.Ptr().depth ,
cvCopyImage(rhs.Ptr(), imgp);
Not knowing the exact semantics of the functions involved, it's
hard to say, but it sort of looks like you first release the
image, and then try to copy it. Which, of course, creates two
problems: you're actually modifying the logical state of the
object being copied (which a copy constructor shouldn't normally
do), and you're trying to copy data that has been released
(freed?), which is probably undefined behavior.
Depending on the desired semantics of Image, you should do one
of the following:
-- declare the copy constructor and the assignment operator
private, and don't implemnent them,
-- do a deep copy of the data, without modifying them in the
object being copied, or
-- use some sort of reference counting (perhaps make imgp a
boost::shared_ptr, for example).
template<class T>
T& Image<T>::operator=(const T& rhs)
if ( &rhs == this )
return *this;
if(imgp != NULL &&m_bReleaseMemory)
imgp = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(rhs.Ptr()), rhs.Ptr().depth ,
cvCopyImage(rhs.Ptr(), imgp);
I am confused about two points. First, although I can compile
the above code, I can not set a break point in either the
Image<T>::Image(const T& rhs) or T& Image<T>::operator=(const
T& rhs) functions. My compiler (VS 8.0) indicates the break
points will never be hit.
If you don't use a template function, it won't be instantiated,
and the debugger will find it very difficult to set a breakpoint
in a function which doesn't exist. Regardless of what
compiler/debugger you're using.
If you do use the functions in question, it's really a question
specific to the compiler/debugger combination, and you'd have to
ask for more information in a group dedicated to your platform.
Secondly, is I am uncertain if they is sufficient to solve the
following problem:
vector< Image<unsigned char> > v;
void main()
void Foo();; // error: memory has already been freed!
What memory? As far as I can see, you've created an empty
vector. At this point, it's very likely (but not at all
guaranteed) that none of the functions in Image have been
void Foo()
Image<unsigned char> image;
IplImage iplImage = new IplImage();
image = iplImage;
Note that this function is never called in your example code.
This is probably what causes the error message in your debugger;
the compiler (or linker) detects that it is never called, so
removes it, then recursively detects that the template
instantiations it invokes are not used, and removes them.
Obviously this will not work since I am allocating
"Image<unsigned char> image" on the stack.
Which is normal if the type supports copy and assignment (i.e.
has value semantics).
It will thus free its memory when the function ends.
But you will have copied it into v before that. So if the copy
constructor works correctly (either deep copy or reference
counting), the element in v will have the data it needs.
I believe that properly overloading the copy constructor and
operator= will solve this problem, but am not sure how to do
Correctly defining copy and assignment are necessary if the
object type is to be contained in a standard container. How
(and if) they should be defined depends on the semantics of the
Just a hint: before writing a single line of implementation code
for the class, document it. Above the class definition, write a
comment stating the role, the responsibilities and the
invariants of the class. Above each fonction, write a comment
specifying the pre- and post-conditions. Unless you know
exactly what the class should do, and the pre- and
post-conditions for each function, it's impossible to even speak
about whether the code is correct.
James Kanze (GABI Software)
Conseils en informatique orient=E9e objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
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