how to write a stateful allocator with gcc and stl
I have a simple "memPool' class that simply maintains a linked list of
chunks from which allocation requests are made. The whole thing is
deleted all at once upon destruction. So far, so good.
Then I tried to make an allocator for this and use it with std::list
with no success. I modeled my allocator code from gcc's
new_allocator.h. I modified the allocate() and deallocate() functions
and copy constructors, and added a "memPool" member and a
corresponding constructor to initialize it.
Using gdb, I see that when the list is constructed, it uses the
allocator's default constructor instead of using the allocator's copy
constructor, and thus, the allocator state is lost. Of course this
segfaults during the first attempt to use the (garbage) psMemPool
Is it even possible to achieve what I want? It feels like I am close
but I don't really know where to go from here.
Please find my sample code below.
Thanks in advance,
////////////////////////////// memory pool
#include <cstdlib>
class tMemPool
struct tNode
char *pcMemory;
tNode *psNext;
unsigned int uiOffset, uiSize, uiAlign;
tNode *psHead, *psCurr;
tNode * addNode(void);
void * alloc(size_t _ui) {return malloc(_ui);}
void dealloc(void *_pv) {free(_pv);}
tMemPool(unsigned int _uiSize, unsigned int _uiLog2Align = 3);
void * allocate(size_t _ui);
tMemPool::tMemPool(unsigned int _uiSize, unsigned int _uiLog2Align) :
uiOffset(0), uiSize(_uiSize)
uiAlign = (1 << _uiLog2Align) - 1;
psHead = psCurr = addNode();
while (psHead)
tNode *psCurr = psHead->psNext;
psHead = psCurr;
tMemPool::tNode * tMemPool::addNode(void)
tNode *ps = reinterpret_cast<tNode *>(alloc(sizeof(tNode) +
ps->pcMemory = reinterpret_cast<char *>(ps + 1);
ps->psNext = NULL;
return ps;
void * tMemPool::allocate(size_t _ui)
void *pv;
if (_ui > (uiSize - uiOffset))
if (uiSize < _ui)
uiSize = _ui;
psCurr->psNext = addNode();
psCurr = psCurr->psNext;
uiOffset = 0;
pv = reinterpret_cast<void *>(psCurr->pcMemory + uiOffset);
uiOffset += (_ui + uiAlign) & ~uiAlign;
return pv;
////////////////////////////// memory pool allocator
#include <cstddef>
template<typename T>
class tMemPoolAllocator
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef T * pointer;
typedef const T * const_pointer;
typedef T& reference;
typedef const T & const_reference;
typedef T value_type;
template<typename U> struct rebind {typedef tMemPoolAllocator<U>
tMemPoolAllocator(void) throw() : psMemPool(0) {}
tMemPoolAllocator(tMemPool *_ps) throw() : psMemPool(_ps) {}
tMemPoolAllocator(const tMemPoolAllocator &_s) throw() :
psMemPool(_s.psMemPool) {}
template<typename U> tMemPoolAllocator(const tMemPoolAllocator<U>
&_s) throw() : psMemPool(_s.psMemPool) {}
~tMemPoolAllocator() throw() {}
pointer address(reference _x) const {return &_x;}
const_pointer address(const_reference _x) const {return &_x;}
pointer allocate(size_type _n, const void* = 0) {return
static_cast<T*>(psMemPool->allocate(_n * sizeof(T)));}
void deallocate(pointer _p, size_type) {}
size_type max_size() const throw() {return size_t(-1) / sizeof(T);}
void construct(pointer _p, const T& _val) {::new(_p) T(_val);}
void destroy(pointer _p) {_p->~T();}
// state
tMemPool *psMemPool;
template<typename T>
inline bool operator==(const tMemPoolAllocator<T> &_s0, const
tMemPoolAllocator<T> &_s1) {return _s0.psMemPool == _s1.psMemPool;}
template<typename T>
inline bool operator!=(const tMemPoolAllocator<T> &_s0, const
tMemPoolAllocator<T> &_s1) {return _s0.psMemPool != _s1.psMemPool;}
////////////////////////////// simple test
#include <list>
int main(void)
tMemPool sPool(1024, 2);
tMemPoolAllocator<int> sPoolAllocator(&sPool);
std::list<int, tMemPoolAllocator<int> > l;
return 0;