Re: Error while writing State Design Pattern Code

"Daniel T." <>
Sat, 31 May 2008 10:28:22 -0400
In article
 Pallav singh <> wrote:

Hi All

i am getting Error while writing following code for state design
kindly let me know How to Correct this Error ??

Pallav Singh

Results from compiling in: and
my own observations...



(From comeau)
<iostream.h> is not a Standard header, use <iostream> instead.

using namespace std;

class state;

class Machine
 class state * current;

keyword 'class' unnecessary above.

 public :

 void setcurrentstate(state * s)
   { current = s ; }

 void on();
 void off();

class state
   public :
   virtual void on(Machine * m)
     {cout<< " Already On \n"; }

Above, and in general, your use of whitespace is inconsistent,
especially inside quotes.

   virtual void off(Machine * m)
     {cout<<"Already Off \n"; }

 void Machine::on()
   { current->on(this); }

 void Machine::off()
   { current->off(this); }

class ON : public state
   public :
   ON() {cout<<"Destructor invoked \n ";}
  ~ON() {cout<<"Constructor invoked \n ";}
   void off(Machine * m);

class OFF : public state
   public :
   OFF() {cout<<"Destructor invoked \n ";}
  ~OFF() {cout<<"Constructor invoked \n ";}
   void on(Machine * m)
    {cout<<"Going from OFF to ON";
     m->setcurrentstate( new ON() );
     delete this;

     current = new OFF();
     cout<<"Machine constructor Called "<<endl;

 void ON::off(Machine * m)
     cout<<"Going from ON to OFF";
     m->setcurrentstate( new OFF() );
     delete this;

int main()

 void (Machine::*ptrs[] )() = { Machine::off, Machine::on }; // ErrorPoint

(From comeau)
error: nonstandard form for taking the address of a member function
   void (Machine::*ptrs[] )() = { Machine::off, Machine::on };

(From comeau)
error: nonstandard form for taking the address of a member function
   void (Machine::*ptrs[] )() = { Machine::off, Machine::on };

  Machine FSM;
  int num;
   { cout <<"Enter 0 / 1 : ";
     cin >> num;

   return 0;

(From comeau)
warning: statement is unreachable
     return 0;


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